✨Slipping In Class✨

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Warning this chapter may contain inappropriate language and mature content.


Bakugou's pov

*Setting - Bakugou and the rest of 1A are starting to arrive and begin their day of hell. All dressed in uniform. Bakugou starts to be his loud hot headed self and acts normal*

"Right.. one final thing" Aizawa says in his usual, sleepy mono tone voice. "Because of a recent rise in villain attacks, the school has created dorms for those of you in the hero course. You'll be moving in by Wednesday" Sensei says and everyone looks around shocked.

"Sensei! Will we share dorms?" Iida asks, his hand shooting straight up.

"No. You will each have your own dorm. Some people may have bigger dorms depending on what your parents pay extra for" Sensei says and we all nod listening along. "And Bakugou, a word in the hall?" He asks and I sigh getting up.

"Okay, but I didn't do anything this time" I say rolling my eyes and stepping out in to the hall.

Sensei sucks in a deep breath and hands me a list. It's what my dad's payed for to be added to my room. Extra floor space. Walk in wardrobe. My own bathroom.

"We're going to put you up on the top floor, since that's where the biggest rooms are located" Sensei says and I nod.

"Tsk, kay whatever" I say and he nods letting re-enter the class room.

"You'll be able to find you dorm Wednesday morning, the list will be down stairs in the lobby" he then says and class soon begins.

The extras are so fucking loud. Always pushing my boundaries. I find myself subconsciously drinking my apply juice and chewing on the bottle lid. Having slipped with out realising.

As time ticks by and I continue to drink my juice. My bladder gets more and more full. The only problem being is, were and hour and a half away from our break and I don't have a big boy voice to ask to use the bathroom in.

My leg bounces as my anxiety bubbles at the bottom of my stomach. That just makes it worse. I chew on the end of my pen as All Might drones on with his lesson.

I reach my limit and drop my pen before abruptly standing up and rushing out of the class room, All Might calls to me as I rush to the bathroom.

I do my business and as I'm washing my hands, Kirishima enters.

"You okay bro?" He asks and I sigh shaking my hands dry.

"Wittwe.." I mumble quietly and he nods whilst thinking.

"Let's go get a snack from a vending machine and then, we're gonna have to go back to class buddy" he says and I nod with a pout.

"Otay Kiwi" I say softly and he smiles.

"Let's go" he says softly.

I quietly walk besides him, anxiously gripping his hand. When I'm little, I love holding hands with people but.. I don't like Kirishima like that.

I'm more in to Denki actually.. I don't know why. His dumb laugh and smile and the way he knows how to make anyone laugh with out fail is so attractive. It draws me in. His scent, his eyes, even the dumb lightning strike in his hair. It's so.. hot. I want him to be my daddy too.

"Right, sorry about that All Might" Kirishima says as I eat chocolate coated Oreos.

I wander back over to my seat as I play with my cookies, sucking the chocolate coating off the biscuits.

Time passes and I slip out of my head space, beginning to finish off the school work. The class looked completely shocked by my behaviour.

One minute I was talking to myself and playing with food and the next I was colouring.

I was glad when lunch came because I could finally eat my spicy sushi. Kirishima had pulled me aside as we were walking to the canteen and asked if I was doing okay. I just nodded and continued to walk with the others.

We laugh happily and chill. Eating our food and having a laugh. Kaminari was being his usual charming self and the rest of the school day ran through smoothly.

<After school>

"Brat! Get in here!" The hag yells from down stairs and I sigh putting my English homework down.

I sigh and wonder down the stairs, stopping in front of the old hag.

"What hag!?" I ask and she clicks her tongue.

"Don't call me that!" She exclaims slapping the back of my head. I whine and rub it. "Why'd the school phone to tell me you walked out of class today?" She asks, I can feel the anger radiating off her.

"I had to pee!" I exclaim with a look of shock.

"What ever, you should ask.. not walk straight out!" The hag exclaims and I scrunch my nose up.

"Yeah yeah, what ever hag!" I exclaim before walking off.

"Oh, Katsuki.. dinner will be ready in half an hour if you're hungry" my dad says as I pass the kitchen.

"M'kay dad, I'll be down in thirty then" I say and he smiles before pulling out some plates to set the table. "Oh and thanks.. for spending so much money on my dorm" I say and he smiles.

"It's all good kiddo" he says grabbing three cups too. I smile and  head back up to my room to finish off my home work.

The tension between me and the hag is high, especially as we awkwardly eat dinner. Once I'm done, I collect my things and head to put my dirty dishes in the dish washer.

"Thanks dad! I'm going to bed now!" I call to him and he hums in return.

"Good night Katsuki!" He yells back and I smile before accessing up the stairs.


Heya cubs! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a lovely weekend cubs!!

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