✨Moving In✨

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Warning this chapter may contain inappropriate language and mature content.


Bakugou's pov

*Setting - Class 1A is stood outside their new dorm building with their bags, boxes and suitcases. They're all trying to figure out where their dorms are located.*

Shitty hair and the rest of the Bakusquad come running out from the dorms with wide smiles. They've already found their dorms and unpacked.

"Bro! Let's help you take your stuff up to your dorm!" Kaminari exclaims being his energetic self.

"Ya sure" I say with a shrug. "Be careful with that box, it's got some glass objects in and I'll kill you all if anything is broken!" I warn them and they all nod.

They each take a bag or a box and we head up to my new dorm. They gape in shock as I unlock the door and push the door open.

"Bro! Your room is huge!" Kaminari exclaims as we enter.

"Mhm, my dad payed for it" I say softly and they all nod.

"Where shall we put the boxes?" Mina asks smiling and I shrug.

"You can put them down by the bed" I say with a shrug.

"What's this mean?" Sero asks looking at the words on the box. "L. Gear?" He reads and I sigh.

"It's private" I say biting my lip and he smirks.

"Awee, does our boom boom boi have secrets he don't want us to know about!" Denki says pouting and I growl.

"Fuck off" I exclaim taking the box from Sero and placing it on my bed.

"Guys.. I think we should leave and let Bakubro unpack" Kirishima says softly.

"Yeah, bye bro!" Denki exclaims and Mina waves as Sero shrugs and smiles before walking out.

I huff and run a hand through my hair before opening the box. I look through the box but.. my favourite stuffy missing and I'm sure I put it in the box.

I look around my empty dorm but it's not here. Panic starts to set in and I begin to look around the whole of our new dorm. I enter the common room, trying to seek as calm as possible.

"Hey Kacchan! Do you like your room?!" Deku asks excitedly as I enter.

"Yeah.. it's fine" I mumble passing him and continuing to look for it.

"Have you lost something?" Iida asks as he organised the kitchen.

"Yeah.. but it's nothing" I say with a sigh before grabbing the milk from the fridge and grabbing a pink cup.

Once I've filled it up enough, I put the milk back and look around before turning to Iida.

"Do we have any honey?" I ask and Iida looks at the list of things we have in the kitchen.

"No.. but I can give you some of the class food deposit to go buy some?" Iida suggests and I nod.

"Thanks" I mumble, now placing my cup in the fridge. "Make sure no one drinks my milk till I get back" I say as Iida hands me a fiver.

"All good" he says and I quickly leave.

I rush to the convenience store that's near by and buy a bottle of pure honey before going back to the dorm.

As I enter, I see Kaminari holding my bunny by her ear and looking at it in disgust.

I also see Uraraka drinking my fucking cup of milk. I click my tongue and grab Flopsie from Kaminari and storm out.

"It's otay baby, no one can huwt you cus you're safe wiv me" I say softly as I walk down to the elevator, kissing Flopsie a few times.

I'm all pouty because I won't get to have milk and honey but I'm happy because I've got Flopsie back. I go back to my dorm and change in to an oversized, black jumper with a white heart on the left side. I pull on some bed shorts and sit on my bed, going in to my box and pulling out one of my many pacifiers.

I select my plays list and begin to listen as I nap with Flopsie.

<Hours later>

"Kacchan, you coming down for dinner?" Deku asks as I wake from my nap.

How long was I sleeping for?

"Mhm.. give me a moment" I say as I sit up and rub my eyes.

I put Flopsie down on my bed and wipe the drool from my mouth before locating my baba and placing it on the side.

I sigh and yawn before walking out if my dorm and going down the elevator to the common room.

Everyone looks at me in shock once I enter. Mina giggles lightly and smiles waving me over with an extra plate besides her.

"Sleepy.." I mumble sitting down besides her.

"Did you just wake up?" Mina asks and I nod rubbing my eyes once again.

"Hey Katsuki.. I heated you up a spicy curry" Kirishima says softly and the class gapes.

"Ooh! Curry!" I exclaims trying to keep myself from slipping in to my younger state.

"You look cute" Kirishima says and I softly smile.

"I feel cute too.." I mumble picking up a spoon.

"I'm confused, are you two dating or what?" Uraraka asks and Kirishima shakes his head.

"Nah.. Katsuki is more in to oblivious blondes" Kirishima says and I smile up at him.

"I like blondes that are funny and attractive and-" I start to rant to myself and bite my lip. "Oops.." I say with a soft giggle.

"You're in a very happy mood" Kirishima says and I nod.

"I gots Flopsie back!" I exclaim excitedly and he nods.

"You wanna call your dad later? I'm sure you miss him" Kirishima says and I nod.

"Please" I say smiling and he nods.

"Eat your dinner and I'll get in contact with your dad" Kirishima says softly and then I quickly eat dinner.

"I want milk and honeyyyyyyy!" I whine swinging my legs.

"I'll make you some, the honey is in your dorm right?" He asks and I nod smiling.

"Thank you Kirishima" I say softly and he nods ruffling my hair.

"Of course, now eat your dinner" he says before getting up.

"You're being so adorable Bakugou!" Denki exclaims and everyone coos at me.

"I'm not cute! I'm big and bad and you should be scared of me!" I exclaims with a huff. The class doesn't need to know that I'm a little. Not yet at least.


Heya! I hope you enjoyed this chapter cubs!!

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