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It is a Nakshatra of life and death.
From the abode of Yama to Gaia I arrive,
It is a Nakshatra of reincarnation.

It is a Nakshatra of artists,
Who take the discarded, and make out of them,
Something new, something crucial and magnetic.

It is a Nakshatra of restraint...
From the cuffs on bed, to those on mind, on vices
It has experienced the obstruction, to overcome them.

It is a Nakshatra of pain,
Years of wait and years of heartbreaks
And then you find what is as precious as a new life,
A new birth.

Whose tale, do I narrate? Mine and whose?

From the shredded morals, crippled body image to emotional chaos
I think of what it had been before.

From nighttime dreams to sudden feels
I touch what I still don't understand with my mind, in complete faith.

From big dreams and impossible wishes
I grow into a better human.

And from the discarded, incomplete love
Rekindled a new hope.

From blood and pain, shouts of agony
Dust of holy feet, smile of a beauty
To the drums of ecstacy, till the shore of time

Unknown, painful, beautiful.

Creative, wonderful, restricted.

Overcame. Reborn.

Yama sends you down to complete your mission.


Bharani is a nakshatra which is completely inside the sign of Aries(Mesha, The Ram). It is activated by Venus, and is ruled by Yama, the God of Death and Dharma( righteousness) in our culture.

It's related to rebirth, the cycle of life and death, motherhood, love and lust, restrictions, creativity, nurturing, rules, obedience, Kalika, alpha males, dominas, occult, tantra, yoni, Kāma.

And when I say Kāma, you already know I have a strong Bharani in my chart😁

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