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Going slowly on my path to discovery
To feel the old, the known and similar
In a new way, in a new story to be told.
Dreams, omens, signs and symbols follow
But I must go with the time
Not control what he has planned for me
To wait as I had done before.
To not see you for ages
Last time maybe years back
Somewhere unknown and sometime different
But I have lost, not knowing what to do
Now I dream of weaving strings of imagination
Into manifestation.
But do they all work? I wonder with skepticism
Because dreams seems so far
Then I think of you, God
How your story seemed less of hope
But turned out to be true
A hope turned into real tangible
Into manifestation.
But I do not want to control anymore
What is to be written by you
You know the right for me
So I keep seeing the signs you send
The symbols you show
The dreams that speak
And the guidance that follows
It is hazy, but it makes me more curious
As what so heavenly is waiting for me
Is someone coming back from the land of dreams
To see me back home, to create a new reality
A new story, for the old people
Who came so many years before
Longing to meet again,now they need to find each other
Not in dreams, not in desperate strings of control
But in the meet of spirit and the reminiscence of hearts new.

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