I would like to extract 1 gas bomb from my account

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Kidd's pov

I sat in my arm chair in my apartment in Washington DC. Life's terrible, its been a good four months since what happened, when the polie force found me I was over passed out, but when i woke ip in the hospital...

Something for another day.

And now I lay with only my sad depressing self and my TV whichw as playing Steve Harvey's game show. Only enjoyable thing on.

Today itself was depressing, the day was gloomy and rainy. But man did I need a coffee. I'm supposed to be at a job hearing in an hour at a bank. Being a special ops veteran and discharged by emotional status, no one wants to hire someone like me.

And I'll be damn lucky if this bank will even look into considering hiring as the janitor.

I grabbed my leather coat and put on my shoes in my used blue jeans and walked out of my apartment complex. Going towards a coffee shop.

All I wanted was to be back in the field, actually take a shot at finding and defeating the man who did this to me.

But that was long gone as I strode through the streets in need of a coffee.

Rainbow Operative; Zero/Sam Fisher:

I looked through some old case files. As much as I loved fighting in the field, those options were starting to fade. I can't do it anymore, but at the same time, I was itching to get out into the field.

"Zero! 6 wants you in the meeting room! We got a potential White Mask Attack!" Ace called peeking inside the office.

I stood up and opened a drawer and pulled out my old sonar goggles. "This will be useful" I said to myself as I quickly got to the meeting room.

Harry and 6 stood as they explained that a bank in DC was a potential Target for a White Mask Attack(WMA).

"Zero, I want you, Thermite, Glaz, Yang and Sledge in on this. Get swat over there but make sure we're not in the obvious" 6 explained.

I nodded at the command and quickly jogged over to the armory grabbing my G2000 rifle, my camera launcher and pistol and loaded up putting my sonar goggles on my forehead.

"Man it feels good to get out of that office." I muttered to myself checking my karambit and flipping the sonar goggles down.

Kidd's pov

I was in the bank waiting for the employer of the bank to meet with me as I sat on a couch bored and about to fall asleep.

Then a bust came from the front door as 4 men in white hazmat suits with AK47s came in firing their rifles at the ceiling, scaring everybody to the ground with myself.

"Everyone on the ground or else I'll kill you!" One yelled as a blue pickup truck came flying in backwards, crashing through the window with a gas bomb on that baxm that looked too familiar to me.

"You have to be kidding me" I muttered as I slowly crawled towards an empty counter putting my ghost status to use as I pulled out my P12 pistol I still had from the army work.

I grabbed a broken piece of glass and used the reflection to spot 12 tangos in all. I could easily take control of the situation if I had an assault rifle or back up. But that wasn't going to happen.

Then a little camera thing went flying past ms from somewhere across the street and landed right into the floor looking at the terrorists.

"What the?" I asked as someone screamed and a gunshot went off towards my direction. Shit they found me.

I stayed hiddned and actully curled back into th cover and waited, numero 1 came walkiing and then peaked his dum little head. I fired off two rounds as he dropped dead.

I grabbed his rifle,  standard ak12, and checked the chamber and peaked seeing the others aiming their guns.

I made an educated guess and placed mt rifle on the side of the wall and pointed to the terriosts and blind fired them.

I peaked again to see two more dead and the others in cover.

Taking the magazine out of the gun i could see i was empty. I turned towards numero one and grabbd his foot and dragged him towards me and snagged a magazine and slamemd it in and pulled the chamber back and released it.

I got up and ran towards the bank counters and slid ducking. I peaked again and saw terrisot numero 4 aiming his rifle where i once was. I shot him in the head.

I turned and peaked inside the bank counter to see onlt scarred people. I sighed and the. looked around and saw the bomb just sitting on the truck.

Huh, light....bulb.

I peaked again and fired a few rounds aimlessly and booked it for the truck and slide right to the drivers seat and slipped into it.

I hit foward and slammed the pettle and driving out of the bank. With a thump the truck got out of the bank and j made a quick drift.

The bomb flew off and slammed into th ground. But it didnt go off. I knew it wouldnt, you could throwa gernade at it and it would probaly survive.

I looled at the bank and saw thw terriosts standing up and just all out confused.

With a deadly grin i grabbed my pistol and cocked it getting rid of any jams and slammed onto the gas pedal and started foring at the terriosts.

I was sure i got 2 of them with the pistol but when I slammed back into the bank I jumped out before it entered and tucled and rolled onto the floor.

The truck flew flipped and rolled sand landed on its back skidding to a stop before it hit the counters.

Looking around I saw five more and I aimed and fired the rest of my pistol into 8 and 9.

10 and 11 got up and aimed there rifles. But as i raised my pistol at them and pulled the trigger, it clicked. Empty, didnt fully reliase that.


Two shots, not rifle, too heavy, not rocket, then again if it was i would be dead. I turned around to see a man in a black overcoat and stood over me with a weird rifle.

"So, who are you?" The man asked.

I stood up and dropped the pistol by accident but didnt bother grabbing for it. "Names Kidd, Tristin Kidd"

"That was the most reckless thing I've ever seen"

"I have a habit of that."

"I like it, Names Zero, how bout you come with me" Zero, the stranger, asked as he looked back to the bomb in the middle of the road. And to the truck.

"Who are you guys?" I asked.

"Were Rainbow, and i think you need to be apart of it."

Wait a minite.....is this....a second chance? Fate, youre a pretty chill person.

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