About time!

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Kidds pov

After getting up and walking to breakfast tired and my fists stinging. I got to the cafeteria and got my lunch and slumped over.

"Man what happened to you? You look like you were surrounded and beaten." Sam noticed my tiredish look and my knuckles wrapped in medical wrap.

"Quite accurate except one thing, the suckers regretted it" I muttered as a reply as I yawned and stretched.

"Well I read your file. I heard about Id-''Sam said before he was deliberately interrupted by 6.

"All operatives! May I have your attention! I've been putting this aside for far too long but it needs to be dealt with. We have a very well known enemy that highly supports the White Masks, Ido Mendez '' she explained as I clenched my fists hearing HIS name.

Sam sat down beside me keeping an eye on me but kept attention to 6.

"We have been assigned to this by the CIA. They've got personal inside giving us enough information to infiltrate and take Ido alive" she said being very clear with the alive part. "So I've picked 5 operatives well suited for this operation. Nokk, Adriano(Miastro), Taino(Cav), Adrian, and Kidd"

I rubbed my eyes, after eavesdropping on their conversation, I can't believe Harry talked to Six!!! I can't believe it!!! I was going after Mendez!!

"All deprives i've named please get your gear and meet in conference A" Harry said with a grim as I quickly ran out of the room and into the lockers and got into my suit.


I sat in the conference tapping my fingers together as 6 entered the room and shut off the lights and turned on a classic 1980s projector.

"Ido Mendez, he's by far one of the biggest donors for the White Masks, and a massive drug lord, making him a very needed ally to the White Masks. We've learned from deep undercover agents that he lives in a home outside of Peru, Brazil. We still have a live agent inside Mendez's cartelera. Mendez is ruthless and makes a joke out of everyone who despised him and his work." 6 explained showing us a picture of Mendez mansion

"When do we go after him?" I asked

"Tomorrow we'll be sending you just 9 miles from his mansion. Any closer and you'll be spotted and shot down. But we need Mendez alive, but if something does happen, we need a picture of the hopingly not dead Ido '' Harry explained.

"Gear up and meet at the airfield." 6 said finally ending the meeting. As i stepped out of the room and went over to the weapon loadouts. I grabbed a scar-h and put on a suppressor, a holographic sight, and a quick draw mag.

I grabbed my suppressed SC-10 and four throwing knives.

"Hey Kidd, here, i want you to have this, this'll help yah out" Sam said appearing behind me and handing me his Karambit. "Good luck" he said as he walked off with a smile.

I smiled at this and put the karambit away and holstered my weapons and walked off to the airfield where everyone stood. A cargo plane in Brazilian colors awaited us.

"Let's lock and load people! We got a job to do!" Miastro yelled as i cocked my scar and smirked.

"Payback time"

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