Relaxation? Google Define

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Kidd POV

I laid on the couch in the training room. The others were out. Resnov and Larry came back last night banged up.

So we were told to relax and be ready. But thats the thing. I've relaxed for 4 months and for the past week ive been non stop fighting. I liked it.

But with nothing but Mendez on my mind. Which couldn't help any better for me trying to relax. Any other day i would be lazy as hell. But HE was stuck on my mind.

A boxing bag hung next to the couch with a treadmill across it with weights near it.

It was hot as my only source of cool was a fan. And it was a SMALL one. Which didnt help either.

So with a sigh i stood up and went to take a jog. Grabbing sunglass and a hat. I put my pistol and hid it under my shirt and walked out of the base. It was warm and dry. With clouds darkening. It looked liked it was going to rain so i moved through the city.

Then my phone buzzed as i took it out and then nearly choked as i read the text

"Hey kiddo, ready to blow this joint?"

Those words from the text nearly shot me from the present to the past.

Then a sniper shot flew by my head as i quickly ducked and slid to cover. I took deep breaths and pulled out my sc pistol and peaked as submachine gun fire shot towards me.

The cover i was using was a crate moving towards a restaurant. So crawling to the edge. I crouched up and jumped as it turned into a roll and slid inside.

I stood up and made way though the restaurant and to the back as i peaked to side and side. But with a thunp i was tackled from above.

The person after me held a knife at my neck as i grabbed my krambit and cut his side making him stutter as i kicked him off.

I jumped up and aimed my pistol as he spun around and kicked the pistol out of my hands as he pulled out a second knifr and charged.

I caught the strike and spun him and spartan kicked him into a stack of trash bins.

He then threw his knife towards me as it had cut my cheek. But i quickly charged and leapt qith intentions to kill but was punched in the face hy a left hook.

I stumbled over as he stood up and charfed grabbing onto my wasit and charged foward as i cut stabbed into his back.

He scrunched foward like a cat and then judo flipped me as i quickly stood up as he charged again.

But with a second later i dodged as he ran into the street as i followed. He pulled out a throwing knife and threw it as it had cut my arm cutting through my sleeve shirt.

I rammed him into a car. Then punched him right under the chin as his head slammed into the car roof.

The guy was close to falling down so with a kick movment. I ran back and charged and jumped with my legs first as they slamemd him into the chest which pushed him into the cars driver seat.

I stood up with me bleeding and tired. I went to my phone and went jnto conctacts to call Resnov. But when i was about to press call. I looked up to see the person gone.

But there laid a dog tag. To my surprise, it was heavily burnt leaving only a smudge D. Wait wait. Could it be him?

It couldnt. He was right next to the blast!!!

"Davis?" I said to myself as i looked around to see thunder crackling. As it started to rain.

"Im sorry kidd" a voice muttered as a gun clicked. With inhumane reaction i jumped up and slamemd the gun out of the persons hand.

With a growl he ran and climbed onto a dumpster bin and jumped up onto the roofs. I followed close behind with Sam's krambit.

As it started pouring and pouring. The roofs began to get slippery. But as we both ran, the jumps across gaps were getting larger and larger. It didnt help us any better.

As he started to reach out of the casual buildings roofs. I went faster, i couldnt let him escape. I needed to know if it was him. And with a daring jump. The person made a jump and nearly fell off. I wasnt too far behind and leapt after him.

I slammed right into him as it turned into a tackle as we both slid across the roof.

He kicked me off as i slowly got up and into a battle stance. He charged as i made a quick juke and went straight to his mask and cut it open from behind.

The mask fell off and by my surprise. It was Davis. Half his face was burnt. Nothing too bad, but he was bald, proably of what happened.

"Davis?" I asked as he cowardly looked away and slumped over.

"I didnt want this" he said to himself as he turned and threw a knife towards me. This time it had gotten me in the arm.

"Gah!! What the hell davis! Its me!"

"I know, but the numbers, mendez, if i dont its going to get worse!" He yelled as he charged as i grabebd the knife in my arm and took it out and slid to the right.

"Please, davis! We can work togeter! We can stop Mendez together!"

"That's not how the story goes kidd" davis said as he charged again, this time he tackled me to the ground and raised his right fist and tightend it into a fist and charged it.

But i only lay there shocked. Then with a solid secind of us starring at one another with rain pouring down. He let go if me and stood up. I was only able to sit up.

"Look. You're going to have to kill me, either now or later. I won't be able to live life without you dead. The numbers, they'll keep growing, and they'll soon grow control. Im already having a hard time from not flicking you!"

"Then hold on just long enouvh for us to help you!" I said standing up.

"It'll be too late by then" he said as grabbed the night vision goggles. "When its time. Don't hesitate on pulling the trigger." Then he jumped off and dissapered.

I only sat there with Sam's krambit and Davis's throwing knife. I got up and slowly made way back to the base. I was cut up and bruised. I didnt focus on the pain. My only observation was on Davis's knife.

I walked inside the base and sighed as i caught Miastros attntion and quickly went over to me.

"What the hell happened kidd!? Youre bruised and cut!" He said as he looked at my arm wound.

"I-I-I need some time alone" i said as i rubbed ny head.

"Hell no! We're getting you patched up, first resnov now you, whats going on!?" He said as he lead my to a table and sat me down and went to my wounds.

I didn't know how mendez did it, how he got Davis. But he was going to pay, pay for taking my friend and team. And he was going to die by my hand.

And it was going to be soon.

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