Hol up, where's my partner?

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Kidd Pov

I was bandaged up and on the couch. I was so deep in thought that i didnt notife the buzzing phine right next to me.

When i actully did. I picked it up to see russian texts. Again, im not good with russian but i think this was Adrians.

"He got a lady friend?" I asked myself as i stood up and set it ont he table and went to look out the window. It was pouring and my wounds still fresh. I leaned against the window and watched people go by. But as i did. I noticed an odd truck drive by.

With quick thinking i grabbed my phone and took a picture of the plate and stepped outside to get a better veiw. And with my surprise. 5 oddly strange men sat in the truck m one with a bag over his head.

Thats not good.

With quick thinking i grabed a 1911 and went to go outaide to follow but was stopped by a tug on my arm.

"Kidd what the hell are you doing?" Caveria growled as i kinda peaked my head to the window like a puppy wanting to be let out.

"Truck, suspicious" i said simply as i nearly had to pull away but damn. Her grip was steel.

"Hell no Kidd, youre going to lay down. And if you dont by will ill force you, youve been through hell and back. You need to rest"

"Rest isnt one of my greatest strengths" i said as she quickly looked a wall for a moment as Cav looked over as i quickly moved quick enough for he to loose focus on my shoulder.

J quicklt sped outside and jogged as best i could but quickly lost them as the truck left off into the main streete and sped off.

I growled to mysekf and gripped my arm and holstered my pistol and slowly slid down to the edge if a wall.

"Kidd! You pendico! What were you thinking!?" Cav growled as she caught up to me and sighed.

"They have someone, they have a hostage" i said as i puleld out adrians phone and showed her the license plate.

"Come on, you really need rest" She said as she lifted me up and helped me to the base.

When we did she helped lay me down on the couch as i sighed to myself.

"Hey kidd, have you seen adrian out there?" Miastro asked.

"No why?"

"He hasnt come back yet and im getting a bit worried.

Then it hit me. I shouldve known! Adrian! Adrian was thw hostage! I knew that god damn truckbwas suspicious!!!

"They have adrian!" I yelled out suddenly. This spooked the team and it nearlt woke up the informant but i sighed to myself.

"Wait wait whtat?"

"The white masks! They have him! They have fucking Adrian!"

Nokk muttered to herself and sighed.

"Here take this. I got the licence plate!" I said as Nokk took the phone and went oved to a computer.

I sighed as i laid my head down as o slowly drowsed off to sleep. Seriously? Out of all times? Fuck.

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