Heres Johnny!

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{}= speaking spanish

Kidd pov

As the night of darkness rose, j got my equipment ready as i was heading to a restaurant/base where a close informant of Mendez. He may be the key to finding where that bastard is.

Nokk gave me her desert eagle. She gave me good luck. Caveria gave me the group's number so i could call back up. And Miastro gage me a hug and a pat on the back. God i love that guy.

I set out in a car as i drove through the city traffic to the other end of town. I was eating a chocolate bar as i had my mask off but i hid my gesr under civilian clothes, makng it TEN time hotter.

Time skip, our producer, RAINBOW SIX SIEGE! SIKE

I parked the car and pulled out nokks pistol and a colt 1911, both suppressed, i stepped out the car and holstered my pistols and took a breifcase and barged inside.

Men with aks looked at me and aimed there weapons at me as i put down the breifcase onto a table.

"So, which one of you is Lolaz Montreal?" I asked as i slowly opened the brief case.

A man wearing a red suit with black lining, his hair was black and greasy. Very slicked back.

"Who the hell are you?" The man asked as he gripped onto a revolvers grip.

"Im going to ask this once, where is Ido Mendez?" I said as i held the brief case low as my hand reached the grip of the weapon.

{"Fuck off, guys shoot him"} Lolaz said as his men aimed their rifles at me as i pulled out a smoke gernade and pulled the pin and quietly dropped it and kicked it over under the table and put on the night vision goggles ans took off the civilian clothes.

Then with a tap on the phonr the kights went out. And with that i ducked to cover as enemies opened fire. I hid under the tablw and pulled out the weapon hidden in the case, an mg42.

I jumped out as i started takin out the enemies by firing with burst shots as soon in 25 seconds the lights came back kn and the enemies were dead. All except for Lolaz.

I dropepd the lmg and pulled out rhe deagle and aimed it at Lolaz, "Your next unless you tell me where the hell is mendez" i growled

At this point Lolaz pulled his revolver at me as i sighed as i fired at the barrel with straight accrucy.

The gun was knocked out if his hand as Lolaz booked it. But i quickly ran afree him as he ran for the roof to meet a dead end.

With a quick and fast lacing move i jumped qrapped my legs around his neck and held sams krambit to lolazs neck.

"Where the fuck is he!?" I yeleld as lolaz heald his hands in the air. The he made the middle finger at me as i growled and cut into his check as he double tapled my leg rapdily.

"In his safe House nust outside of brazil! I swear! Look he has mansions everywhere! If hes not there hes either jn another safehouse or off to a different continent!" Lolaz said as i stopepd and pulled out the krambit.

"Good, now night night" i said as j quickly knocked him out.

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