2. smoke & mirrors, part 4

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    THE CAB PULLS UP TO A CLUB with a neon sign shaped like a sultry woman

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    THE CAB PULLS UP TO A CLUB with a neon sign shaped like a sultry woman. Bigby climbs out of the cab as a woman, Vivian, wearing a purple dress and a ribbon and knee-high boots and short blonde hair, treads out her cigarette, and walks up to Bigby.

  "Oh! Sheriff. What a nice surprise. I'm not sure I've seen you here before." She said in a surprised tone. "You're always welcome, of course. Is it business, or pleasure?" She asked him.

  "I've got some questions for Georgie. Is he here?" Bigby asked.

  "Straight to business, then," Vivian said, smiling. "You're in luck, he's here. Come in." And she walks towards the entrance of the club and grabs the handle before turning to face him. "I should warn you that Georgie does not like to be bothered when he's working. He's kinda in a... mood right now." Vivian said.

  "I honestly don't care how he feels," Bigby replied.

  "Then you two will get along just swimmingly," Vivian replied, sarcastically, as she opens the door and the two walk inside. Inside was a pretty short hallway with posters of male and female dancers strewn about on the wall.

  "Welcome to the Pudding 'n Pie. Where we cater to the diverse tastes of the Fable community. Your pleasure is our pleasure. Your desires are our desires." Vivian said as they walk down the hall.

  "Listen, you could be in danger," Bigby said, warningly.

  "Oh, sweetie... we're all in danger," Vivian replied as they make their way to the archway to the club.

  Music was blaring as a man, in a black hat, black tank top, and black jeans and covered in tattoos, was sitting on one of the couches, holding a boombox.

  In front of him was the stage where a woman, who was wearing nothing but a g-string, high heels, and a purple ribbon on her neck, was doing her dance on the pole. Next to the stage was the DJ booth. Off to the left of the stage was a bar and a cigarette machine and the rest of the room had tables and chairs strewn about.

  "What do you think you're doing? You like you're taking a shit! Who's gonna want that? No one's gonna want that!" The man, Georgie, shouts at the girl.

  "Nice guy. Seems like a real prince." Bigby said to Vivian in a sarcastic tone.

  "Ah, you do have a sense of humor. That's good!" Vivian said, smiling at him. "Good luck." And Vivian turns away, leaving Bigby alone.

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