chapter 30

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- Mitch

~ The day of the wedding ~

I was pacing around in the room. Jerome trying to calm me down.

"Dood chill everything's going to be alright." He said for the millionth time.

"I know, I know. I'm just really nervous you know."

"I know bud. Now sit down." He said grabbing my shoulders and sitting me down on the little coutch.

"But what if she changed her mind? What if she says no?"

"That's not gonna happen biggums. Now breath." I try my best to calm my breathing but it's just not working. Suddenly my dad walks in the room and takes Jerome's place infront of me.

"Son calm down, everything is going to be alright. I know how you feel but you're making yourselve nervous for nothing. You and Ashley love eachoter and nothing is going to stop that. It's all going to be alright." He says and I finally calm down.

"Thanks dad." I said smiling at him.

"Mitch it's time." Jerome says. I nod and get up. I take one deep breath and start walking down the isle to my place. After another minute or two the music changes and Ashley starts walking down the isle. She looked so beautifull. The sun was shining over the park, making it an even more beautifull sight. When she was finally at the altar I took her hand and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"You look beautifull." I smile at her.

"You're not bad yourselve." She smiles. Then the boring part starts, I just stare at Ashley getting lost in her eyes. Suddenly I hear my name.

"Do you Mitchell Hughes take Ashley Surcombe to be your laugfull wedded wife?"

"I do." I say smiling.

"And do you Ashley Surcombe take Mitchell Hughes to be your laughfull wedded husband?"

"I do." She says also smiling.

"With the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." I lay my hand around her waist and pull her closer this moment seems to go in slow motion. I lean in for the kiss that will change my life forever. We get closer to eachother our lips inches apart.

I jolt up in my bed and look around. I'm in the hospital? Right as I look around Jerome came into the room.

"OH MY GOD MITCH! YOU'RE AWAKE!" He ran over to me and engulved me in a tight hug.

"What do you mean I'm awake?"

"You've been in a coma for 2 months Mitch."

"How? What happend? Where's Ashley?"

"Mitch, Ashley is dead."

"No she's not! She came back to live, we had a daughter Ady and she was pregnant with our second child. We where gonna get married. And Louise was pregnant aswell. And, And ..." I stopped rambeling when I saw Jerome's expression, he looked kinda sad.

"Mitch, none of that happend. When Ashey died you passed out and hit your head pretty hard and went in a coma for 2 months, you missed her funeral. And me and Louise broke up, she couldn't take it that I was more here with you then home." I looked up at him and saw the sympathy in his eyes.

"Ashley is dead?" I asked him.

"Yes." Maybe I should have started crying but the tears never came.

"It's okay biggums." Jerome said giving me a hug.

I can't believe none of that ever happend. I can't believe it. I really can't. I got up from my bed.

"What are you doing Mitch?"

"Can you bring me to her grave? I want to see her before I believe it." He nodded, we got to his car and drove to the sementary. We got out and he let me to her grave.

"There it is." He said pointing to a grave a little ahead. I nod and walk over to it. I look at the gravestone.

Ashley Marie Surcombe
Died in a carcrash

I can't believe it's true, it's actually true.

~ The End? ~

You didn't see this comming did you? Sooo I'm gonna end this story here. But no need to panick look at the end there's a '?' so I'm gonna let you guys decide if I'm gonna make a thirth book or nah. So I have 3 options for you guys to decide from.

1 No third book.

2 A third book about Mitch and Jess.

3 A third book about Merome.

So it's up to you on what I'm gonna do next. If there's no third book I'm just gonna start a totally new story so if you choose that option let me know what you want me to do next.

I love you all and see ya laterz xx

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