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Christmas music played in the background. It was now the beginning of December and I was already in the mood. I was leafing through some magazines here and there to see what to wear for the holidays.

I was pretty excited this year because my family and Noah's would spend the holidays together.

I was a little nervous about how it would go, but there is nothing new.

Soon Noah would be back and we would start spending our days together again. I just hope he gets to be there for the Snow Ball.

I decided to call Chloe and ask her if she and the others wanted to go out. I jumped out of my bed, knowing they were waiting for me at the park.

When I arrived they were sitting on a bench laughing. "Here she comes." Julia said, seeing me arrive.

"We haven't seen each other since Halloween." I said as I sat down next to Chloe who hugged me.

"Yeah, Noah, Sadie, and Caleb will be back soon and we'll start going out again every day." Clarisse said. "I hope so." I murmured.

"What should stop us from doing it?" Mikey asked. "I have no idea." I replied.

We decided to go get a hot chocolate to discuss next Saturday, whether to have a party or not.

I wasn't listening to them. I was too busy thinking about the fact that Noah needed to tell me something very important.

From the way he said it, it sounded like something to worry about.

"So are you coming with us or not?" Chloe asked. I realized that by now everyone was up and ready to go.

"I can't tonight." I said apologizing. "I absolutely must be home." I continued as I hugged them before leaving.

They had probably noticed something was wrong. In fact, about five minutes later, I got a message from Chloe.

"What's happening to you?" The message said. "Tomorrow I'll tell you." I replied

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I walked up and down my room, waiting to see my phone screen light up, marking an incoming call.

Noah said he would call me around ten. It was now twenty past ten on a Friday at home.

I could have gone out and been home in time for the call. The phone rang and I ran to grab it.

"Hello?" I said. "Hey." Noah answered. "How are you?" He asked. It didn't look like him. It had a cold tone.

"Fine, I think." I answered insecurely. "You?" I asked. "Definitely bad." He answered. What the heck is going on? "N-Noah?" I asked. "Why did you call me?" I said. I want him to get straight to the point.

Hearing him like this just makes me feel worse than the news immediately makes me feel. "I don't want to tell you that." Noah started. I swear I heard him swallow. Here it comes.

"I don't know if I can make it for Christmas." He said. What else could I have expected? "Noah you freaked me out." I answered.

"Well, I can't make it because I'll be at dinner with Ashlie." What?

"Noah, are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled. "It's complicated to explain. " He said.

I stayed silent. "Maybe it's better if I go." I said before hanging up.

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