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Having a comeback with 23 members is not easy. Everyone is doing their best to start and finish this comeback smoothly. There will also be Past and Future versions of album and Jisung is so happy because once again, 7 Dream will be complete. He misses his Mark hyung so much so he's really looking forward to it.

"Jisung, please be reminded that you and Chenle will have a shooting for Chenji this and that this afternoon." The staff reminded Jisung that made the younger pout.

Why would they film on that segment again? It'll just make the two of them awkward even more. They even went to Shanghai before and remembering those scenarios make him blush for no specific reason. He's really awkward with Zhong Chenle, that's all he knows.

As the noon strikes, Jisung hurriedly went to the studio to shoot Chenji this and that.

Chenle is already there that made his eyebrow arched. He's not that excited to shoot with him, right?

"Hi, hyung!" Jisung greeted the older as he sit beside Chenle. The older just nod his head as a response. They are with less than five camera men.

Why is it still awkward? They did this more than 20 times but still can't get enough. He always wish to finish this segment as soon as possible.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to another episode of Chenjie~"






Jisung bit his lower lip to stop himself from smiling. He really loves it when they said that in the opening. He found Chenle cute. And he's wondering if Lele find him cute too.

"What's this?" Chenle asked as he open the mystery box and saw a sketchpad and art materials inside it. Jisung help him to show it to the camera with a big question mark hanging on their head.

Are they going to draw each other again?

"What are we gonna do with this?" Chenle asked.

"We will eat these, hyung" Jisung joke that caught Chenle off guard. He wants to glare at Jisung, but he can't help to laugh with his cuteness.

"We're going to eat these? Why? Are these tastier than my Chenle ramyeon?" Chenle asked, pertaining to his specialty. Jisung chuckled.

"Of course not! Chenle ramyeon will always be the best!" He answered. Chenle nearly blush. Ah-huh?

Lele look at the sketchpad again and then to the staff that is with them.

"What are we really going to do with this?"

Jisung answered him before the staff does,

"It's obvious that we're going to draw each other again, hyung."

Chenle look at him and pouted. So they are really going to draw again. He's not good in drawing, but he's not the type of a person who will immediately gave up. It's not the first time that they will do this anyway. Chenle smiled.

"Let's start now then,"

Jisung and Chenle stood up to begin their tasks. They play rock paper scissor to know who will be the first to draw, and Chenle won so Jisung sits on the couch as a model for Chenle's piece.

"Are you sure you'll draw me well, hyung?" Jisung asked while holding a book and doing a genius pose. Chenle nod at him.

"Trust me, I can draw better than you," he answered. Jisung smiled. He loves the older's guts.

Chenle is smirking while sketching so Jisung can't help but prevent his laugh.

After he finished sketching, Jisung stood up to look at the older's drawing, but fail when Chenle immediately hug his sketchpad to cover it.

"Don't look at it! You need to draw me first!" Chenle said.

Jisung find him cute again.

Chenle bring his sketchpad with him and sits on the couch. He did a thumbs up pose so Jisung starts sketching him.

Jisung stares at Chenle's lips.

He's done sketching Chenle's eyes and nose, but when he stares at his lips, he felt something weird so he just drew it like 8 and ended his drawing immediately.

"Let me see it!" Chenle said and stood up to see Jisung's work. The younger's eyes widened because he made Chenle's lips hideous so like what the older did a while ago, he hug the sketchpad to cover it, but since Chenle is faster than him, he failed.

"What happened to my lips?" Chenle asked Jisung as he pointed at his lips on the drawing.

His eyes and nose were drawn beautifully, but his lips. Number 8? Is that how Jisung see it? Once again, Jisung felt awkward.

"I.. ah.. uhm.. I don't know how to draw dolphin's mouth so I ended up drawing 8." He answered.

Chenle chuckled.

"Okay, okay, I also didn't draw your lips well," Lele said and handed Jisung his work. Jisung's lips were drawn like a heart. The younger just smiled.

After showing their works on the camera, they bid their goodbyes and promise to see the fans again on the next episode.

"It's sad that we need to say goodbye now, but next time, if we do this again I'll drew Jisung's lips not like heart, but like an apple because he drew mine as 8!"

"Chenle hyung is so bad," Jisung pouted. The older chuckled.

"See you on the next episode. This is Chenjie~"

"No Chenji! Just Jwiji!"

They stare at each other because of what Jisung said. He felt awkward again so he just eat back what he just said.

"There's Chenji, there's Chenji." He said.

He's afraid that Chenle will scold him because he's trying to ruin their ship. He hope he's not jealous or what.

"Again, this is Chenjie~"







They wave their hands on the camera, and as it ended, Chenle stood up and look at him.

"Jwiji my foot,"

Jisung's jaw dropped as he confirmed that Chenle is mad on what he just said.

But it's just his name with his name! He's not shipping himself with another person. Jisung pouted before bidding his goodbye to the staff and followed Chenle.

What is really his problem?

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