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"You look handsome," 

"Thank you,"

"But I'm still more handsome than you,"

"That's irrelevant!"

"I'm just saying the truth." The guy said.

The other rolled his eyes upwards.

"Did you hit your head somewhere?"

"I don't even know where is that somewhere you're talking,"

Chenle's face crumpled and his mood suddenly changed as he heard his Jaemin and Renjun hyung teasing each other. He thought Haechan is the only one who loves fighting with Renjun, but Jaemin also loves teasing the poor kitten.

What is their problem? They are here for Candy lab's photoshoot, but the two have the guts to tease each other in front of Candy lab's make up artists and staff. Are they that bored in life?

"Do you want to fight with me?"

"Why would I fight with you?"

"I don't know, why are you asking me?"

"you asked me first!"

"Did I tell you to ask that?"

"Do I really need to answer that?"

Chenle hid his face on his palm as the two won't stop arguing. 

They are fighting for no reason.

He stood up and walks toward Jisung who's now having a makeup. He can't handle hearing his hyung fight anymore. It's giving him head aches.

"Can I do his make up?" Chenle asked the makeup artist pertaining to Jisung, and the younger's little eyes grew bigger.

"Sure!" The makeup artist immediately agreed because she's a big fan of Chenji. Seeing her ship sinking is the least thing she wants to see.

"Why did you do that, hyung?" Jisung asked, still can't believe that the older is now infront of him to do his make up.

Chenle frowned.

"I'm bored. I just want to do something so why not? Don't worry, I can do make-up well like a professional artist." Chenle confidently said.

Honestly, he also don't know why he's doing this. He can just go out to inhale some fresh air but instead of doing it, he chose to do Jisung's make-up. This is weird.

"I'm more handsome than you!"

"I'm not asking you!"

"I just want to inform you!"

"I'm not interested, okay?"

Chenle held the blush on tight as he heard Renjun and Jaemin's voice behind him.They are still fighting. He continued brushing the blush-on on Jisung's cheek. But the voices of his two hyungs are getting near them.

"Do you want me to push you?"

"Do you think I'm crazy?"

"I'm really going to push you!"

"Then push me!"

Chenle mentally cussed when he felt a pair of hand pushing his back and the next thing he knew, he's already leaning on Jisung's body and his lips accidentally touched the tip of his nose.

Their eyes both grew bigger as they realized their positions and both of their cheeks heated up.

What the fudge just happened?

Chenle quickly stood up and look at his hyungs to glare at them, but instead of seeing the two choking, rumbling with each other, the two did a high-five infront of him like they just succeeded on doing something not so great.

So it's all just planned?

Chenle's face crumpled. These two is really something. Tsk,

"Ah, h-hyung?"

Chenle apologetically look at the younger and continued doing his make up.

"I'm sorry," Are the words he can say. Jisung smiled.

"It's okay,"

It's not completely his fault though. But the question that is now lingering on his mind, is why would his Jaemin hyung pushed Chenle when it is his Renjun hyung that he's fighting with? Weird.

After the photoshoot, the five of them went to a restaurant to eat dinner. 

Jeno is the one who paid for he food as he lose on their game a while ago.

They are all full and contented so they immediately fell asleep. Except Chenle who needs to go to Akdong Seoul for work.

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