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'Where are you?'

Jisung read the message that his Jeno hyung sent him.

He's on his way to SM building for recording, but unfortunately, a heavy rain starts pouring down so the way are now flooded.

He tried going out with his umbrella-the only umbrella that he saw on Jaemin's room, but the wind is too strong that it broke.

He's stranded. He can't go to SM building right now for recording. Maybe he'll just go after the rain stopped, or better just go there tomorrow when the sun already shown up. He can't risk going out and be drench by the rain. If he get sick, it will just make everything more harder for him.


Jisung screamed in pain when he hit his knee on the table. The impact was too strong that he lose his balance. He check his knee and found out that it's getting red. Jisung heaved a sigh. What a stupid move.

He tried to walk to rest on the sofa, but he slipped that caused him to fall on the floor and scold himself for the second time.

The pain on his knee were now doubled. How can you be so clumsy, Park Jisung?

He closed his eyes and wait for the pain to lessen before he got to his foot and sits on the couch in a position that he can be comfortable. He can't move his knee. Maybe it is now triggered because he just fell on the stairs a week ago, and his knee keeps on hurting that time, and now that it's triggered, he's certain that he can't move and walk comfortably starting tonight.

The door opens, but Jisung is too tired that he didn't look up to see who just came.

"What happened to you?" The guy asked him and hearing his voice just made him realize how stupid he is.

"Nothing serious, hyung." He answered Chenle without looking at him.

Chenle raised his eyebrow at Jisung even though the younger didn't bother to look at him. Nothing serious? Then why do Jisung looks like he wanted to cry?

"Jeno hyung asked me to accompany you to SM building. The service is already outside. You still have recording so why are you sitting there like a lazy cat?" He asked.

Jisung finally look at him.

"Can I just go tomorrow? I badly want to rest right now. My knee is hurting and--" Chenle cut him off before he can even finish what he's saying.

"The company won't hear any lame excuses, Park Jisung. You have a work to do. You must know your priority. Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno hyung also want to rest but they didn't do it because they know their priorities. Don't give me dramas, that won't work on the company," He said.

Pain briefly crosses Jisung's eyes. But he want to rest. He can't even move his knee. He know that it's his fault because he's too clumsy but what if he force his knee and can't walk and dance anymore?

"Come on, get up!" Chenle said.

Jisung didn't move and just stared at him.

The older is starting to lose his patience so he held Jisung's wrist and grab him to get up.

"I said get--"

Chenle didn't finish his words when Jisung fell on the floor and start crying in pain.

His heart beats faster as he stare at him. He don't know what happened to him, but he's sure that the younger is in pain. His lips parted.

"A-Are you okay?"

He bent down to help Jisung to stand up, he guided him to sit back on the couch in a comfortable position.

"What happened? Why are you crying? What's wrong?" He asked. He can't help but to be worried.

He check if Jisung have wounds, and he almost hit himself when he saw Jisung's knee turning into violet. Of course that hurts.

He look at Jisung and shyly bit his lower lip. He's so sorry for forcing him to stand earlier. He grab his wrist for pete's sake!

"I fell on the stairs just a week ago, and now I hit my knee twice, I would go if I really can, but my knee hurts, hyung. I can't even move it now." Jisung said.

Chenle look down as his conscience starts filling him. He should have asked Jisung first before grabbing his hand. You're being inconsiderate, Zhong Chenle.

"Do you want to go to the hospital? You said you fell on the stairs a week ago. Why didn't you tell it to us?" He asked.

Jisung looks away.

"I don't want to bother all of you, in fact, you have been ignoring me since last week." he said.

The older frown. So it's his fault again?

"Let's cool it with ice,"

Chenle walks toward the fridge and get some ice cubes. He also get a small towel and he went back to the couch to put it on Jisung's knee.

"Next time, you should be careful," he said.

Jisung just nodded while watching him softly rubbing the towel with ice cubes on his swollen knee. Jisung smiled.

"Thank you, hyung," he said.

Chenle rolled his eyes and frowned.

"I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for my conscience." He said. He don't want the younger to misunderstood it.

Jisung chuckled as he give up.

"Okay, be it conscience then,"

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