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"What do you mean that they can't be here?" Renjun asked Jaemin after informing them that Mark and Haechan can't go to their dorm to celebrate today. They are already finished preparing and it's a big disappointment that it will all turns to nothing.

"The schedule suddenly changed. Our manager called and he said that he's going to pick us this afternoon because we're going to shoot for De ja vu's track video. We can still see Haechan and Mark hyung later. 7 dream will still be complete." Jaemin said, trying to brighten up his members' mood.

"But how about the foods? The cake? Aren't we going to bring those on the shooting?" Renjun asked.

Jaemin frowned and shook his head twice.

"As much as I want to bring those, we can't bring food on the set, Renjuna~ we just need to finished the shooting quickly so we can still celebrate and eat those afterwards," Jaemin said.

Renjun sighed. He wants to continue the celebration but because they have a work to do, they have to delay it..

"Wait, where is Chenle and Jisung by the way?" Jeno asked as he noticed that the two maknaes are no where to be found. He just got back from the mall and also got disappointed that the celebration would be delayed. The two are not around. Where are they exactly?

"I don't know, the two of them suddenly disappeared after the kissed." Renjun said and can't help but to frown remembering how the two kids kissed infront of him. Well, he knows it's just an accident, but a kiss is still a kiss. And for Renjun, every kiss counts. His forehead furrowed. Count what?

"KISS? THEY KISSED?!" Jeno asked. His eyes are bewildered as he can't believe what he just heard from Renjun. Chenji just kissed. Why is he not updated?

"Yeah, I should have captured that and send it on bubble though. I'm certain that all Chenji shippers will be crazy once they know. But sadly, I was in the kitchen when the kiss happened so I didn't see it." Jaemin said.

He didn't wait for Renjun to speak up because the lad will just exaggerate the story.

"Maybe they are on their own rooms?"

"Let me go and check on them." Jeno volunteered. He will also tell the maknaes about the sudden change of sched.

The shooting went great. Their interactions behind the scene are great and the smile they engraved on their lips were all genuine. It was tiring yet awesome. Although Jisung can't move and jump freely because of his knee, he is still thankful that the shooting went well.

"Hey, what's up Jisung Pwark!" Mark greeted as he went near Jisung that is alone on the corner, sitting on a chair.

"Hi, Mark hyung!" The younger greeted back. Mark sits beside him.

"I heard that you and Chenle kissed, did sejeunies already knew about this?" Mark teased that made Jisung nearly choked.

How did he know about the kiss? He's been trying to avoid that topic and keep on removing it on his mind earlier, but remembering it now just made his cheeks heated up.

"W-Where did you hear that from hyung?" He asked. Swear, he can't look on the older's eyes right now.

"Renjun told me about it. He said that it was an accident because you got your knee into troubled. Are you okay now? What happened to your knee?" Mark worriedly asked.

Jisung explained to him what exactly happened to his knee, and Jisung is relieved because the topic about the kiss has been forgotten without him explaining about it. At least he don't need to comment and just let it passed like nothing happened.

Weeks passed.

Chenle have been ignoring Jisung, and Jisung is not dumb not to feel it.

After they kissed, the half percentage of them talking, decreased another half percentage, only means that within those weeks that passed, the two of them never talk.

They see each other at studio and at dorm, but no one dares to initiate a conversation.

Jisung is already used to it so he's a bit shocked when Chenle approach him with a wide smile on his face. He's wearing a light-colored, stripes sweaters and a dolphin slippers. There's only two words that popped on Jisung's mind after seeing him : He's cute.

"Jisungie~" Chenle called him. Jisung starts fidgeting for no specific reason. He swear that it's the most beautiful, the cutest way of calling his name. His heart melted because of Chenle's voice.

"H-Hi Chenle hyung," he greeted.

Chenle's smile widened and have sitted beside him.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" The older asked.

Jisung slightly shook his head.

"I'm not yet sleepy, hyung. I honestly got troubled sleeping this past few weeks." he admitted. And it's because he's bothered why Chenle's not talking to him.

"Do you want me to sing you a song? I also have a hard time sleeping." Chenle said. He keeps on remembering the kiss that's why he can't sleep. You are one of the reason, Park Jisung.

Jisung stares at him with amusement on his eyes. Chenle will sing him a song? But why would he do it? Is he not awkward with him anymore?

"I.. honestly don't know what to answer, hyung." he admitted.

Chenle smiled.

"You just need to answer me yes or no. Come on, I'll help you to sleep. Chenle hyung will take care of you," Chenle said that made Jisung blushed even more. Why suddenly become sweet, lele?

The older held Jisung's head and let it rest on his shoulder. Jisung didn't complain, he honestly love the feeling of him leaning on Chenle's shoulder. Chenle patted his head before humming a song.

"You're my missing puzzle piece, hmm~ hmm~ hmm~ hmm~ hmm~ hmm~ jogangna itdeon mamui sang cheokkaji, hmm~ hmm~ hmm~ hmm~ hmm~ neon eoneusae nae jeon buga dwaesseo, my missing puzzle piece~"

His voice is soothing. Jisung's heart is beating oddly.

He don't know why the older suddenly became sweet towards him.. all he can do right now is to enjoy, love and cherished this moment.

He never knew and expect that this would happen.

He also don't expect that he will be very happy, just by leaning on Chenle's shoulder.

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