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Chenle is frowning as he entered his room and jump to his bed to sleep.

He followed Jisung on Renjun's room because he also want to comfort his hyung, but he frowned when he saw the two hugging. Is comforting really followed by a hug? He could just comfort Renjun without hugging him, or atleast refrain from the hug after a minute or two, right? How can someone hug a person for almost ten minutes?!

"He didn't even hug me when I cry," He complaint.
He don't know, but he just hated the idea.

"Wait, when did I even cry?" He asked.

He hit his head because he's really bothered seeing Renjun and Jisung hug. He don't know why, maybe he's just worried about their ship.

He's mad not at Jisung and Renjun, but in the idea that it bothers him seeing them hug.

What's happening to you, Zhong Chenle?  You should keep your mind sane. tsk,

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