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Chenle is happily humming a song as he comb his hair with his free hand while looking at the full-length mirror on his room. He wear his best shirt and did a light make up.

He glance at the mirror one last time and wink before striding out the room with a huge smile on his face. His mind are filled in picturing him and Stephen Curry together.

But all of those pictures blotted out, when the door on the sala opened and Jisung came in, shivering.

Chenle's face crumpled when he noticed that the guy is also soaking. What happened to him?


Jisung didn't bother to look at him and just continued shivering. He looks pale. Chenle's blood boil. Why did he think of getting drench by the rain? Is he stupid?!

"It's cold," Jisung whispered.

Chenle immediately went to his room to get a towel and immediately cover it to the younger's body. His blood is still boiling in anger.

"Are you crazy? You know it's raining, why didn't you bring your umbrella?" he started scolding the younger. Jisung's face saddened as he face down.

"The umbrella broke again. I don't know that the wind outside will be too strong," he explained.Chenle almost rolled his eyes.

"Why did you go outside? You don't have a practice right? And look! You're burning!"He got worried because Jisung has a fever.

The younger faintly smile at him.

"I'm okay, hyung, don't mind me. You'll meet Stephen Curry today right? Go now, you might be late," The younger reminded. Chenle's face crumpled because of his statement.

"And how about you? Jeno, Renjun, and Jaemin hyung are not here, who will take care of you?!" he asked. Jisung gave him an energetic smile.

"I can manage myself! This fever will just be gone later, don't worry, I will really be okay," he said.

Chenle frowned.

"In fact, I can just call Sungchan hyung and ask if he can come here to--"

"Call Who?! No!" Chenle shouted.

Jisung almost jumped from his seat because of his reaction.

He almost get a heart attack.

"Why would you call him if I'm right here in front of you? Do you think I can't take care of you that's why you need to call him?" The older asked. Jealousy is heard on his voice.

"But you're going to meet Stephen Curry today," Jisung stated.

"I wont come then!"

Jisung's mouth hang open because of what he said.

"W-What? Seriously, hyung?"

"A hundred percent serious,"

Chenle get his phone to email Stephen Curry that he can't meet him today. He felt guilty and sad because he'll lose this chance, but the younger's health is more important to him.

"Remove your shirt now," Chenle commanded Jisung after sending an email to his fave. Jisung's eyes widened.

"What? No! I can change my own clothes, hyung! you don't need to do that." he said.

"I didn't say that I'm the one who's going to change that anyway. I just told you to remove your clothes. Go to your room now before I changed my mind and do what you just think. I'm just going to make you a soup."

After that, Chenle strode out the sala to the kitchen and leave the younger agape.

Okay? What was that?

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