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The next day, all of them are busy because they filmed NCT WORLD 2.0. Unlike yesternight, Chenle is now back on ignoring Jisung.

He's not talking nor smiling at him and it makes Jisung frown. He thought maybe, just maybe, after what happened last night, they will now be finally get close.. but who is he kidding to? He want to approach Chenle and talk to him, but he's afraid that the older will just ignore him.

He miss Chenle talking to him, he miss Chenle smiling at him. He miss his little dolphin.

"Jisung, you love playing soccer, right? Let's play!" Sungchan invite him, totally forgetting that his knee is still injured.

Jisung force to smile and shyly rubbed his nape.

"I'm sorry Sungchan hyung, as much I love to play with you, I can't because my knee is not yet okay," He answered.

Sungchan got bewildered as he remembered about Jisung's knee. He forgot that his knee is injured! He felt sorry for him.

"Did you go to the hospital? It's been.. weeks? Yet it's still not okay. It's getting pretty serious," Sungchan said worriedly. Jisung giggled. He just confirmed that the tall guy cares for him.

"I went to the hospital every weekends, hyung. I'm okay, no need to worry." He said.

Sungchan smiled.

"Well, at least you can still walk. But don't force yourself too much, okay? I'll just asked Haechan, Yangyang, Jaemin and Renjun hyung to play instead." He smiled at him one last time before totally disappearing from his sight.

Jisung get his phone and took some pictures, until the filming resumed and ended at night.

Chenle is playing piano. Jisung is watching him while secretly taking a video. They are on the practice room with Haechan, and the three of them has their own agendas to do.

Chenle stops from playing when he felt someone staring at him. He hesitantly glance at Jisung's direction and the younger immediately panicked--almost throwing the phone because Chenle caught him filming a video.

Chenle smirks and shook his head several times. He continued playing the piano acting like he didn't caught Jisung filming him.

He admitted that the younger's reaction is so cute, but he surely will hit him on his head when he posted that video without his permission.

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