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Dj Ren-D is tired. 

Jaemin thought. Renjun just got home from Akdong Seoul and he even sleep on the couch without removing his shoes so it's certain that Renjun is really tired.

Jaemin walks toward him and remove his shoes. He get a comforter on Renjun's room and cover it on the lad's body.

He admired Renjun for being hard working. After practicing, he'll go to Akdong Seoul and went home tired, but he can see that the lad love what he's doing. Renjun is also a nice guy so he can't help but to admire him more.

"Jaemin hyung, aren't you going to wake him up?" Chenle asked.

Chenle is afraid that his Renjun hyung will fall while sleeping or will get a body ache because of sleeping on the couch. He want to wake him up so that he can sleep comfortably on his bed. Sleeping on the couch is really tiring.

"Let him sleep for now, he seems tired. He need lots of it."

Chenle nodded and patted Rejun's head.

"I'm so proud of Renjun hyung,"

Jaemin smiled as he also feel proud of his friend. He's proud of all his hyungs and dongsaengs though. They are all hardworking and talented.

Jisung was awaken by a knock on the door.

He rubbed his eyes as he sitted on his bed. He look at his phone to check the time and it's already 8:27am

Jisung messed his hair and stood up to open the door, but he winced when he felt his knee aching.

He sighed as he force himself to stand up and walk while biting his lips to avoid himself from groaning in pain. He held the door knob with his bare hand and twitched it, only to see Chenle's face looking seriously at him.

"Is your knee okay now? We're going to clean the whole dorm today because Mark and Haechan hyung will sleep here later. We decided to have a party because 7 dream will be complete. You can help us but you can also rest if your knee is not yet okay. I just tell Jaemin hyung that you're not feeling fine." He said.

Jisung's eyes widened when he heard that his Mark and Haechan hyung will sleep here later. 7 dream will be complete! This is one of the thing he's looking up to so he can't just let this passed without doing anything,

"I'll help, hyung!" he excitedly said.

Chenle raised his eyebrow at him and look at his knee. It's still swollen. Is he sure that he'll help? He might force it.

"Don't worry hyung, I'll just help like sweeping the floor, blowing the balloons, throwing the dirt and removing unecessary things on the sala. I won't force my knees, promise!" He said and raised his right hand.

Chenle just nodded at him and told him to prepare because they still need to go to the studio after the celebration for the recording. This day will be a very busy day.

Chenle and Jaemin are assigned in cooking foods. Renjun is assigned in decorating the whole sala, and Jeno is assigned to buy a cake, confetti, party hats, and game board that they can play later.

Renjun is busy putting a '7 DREAM IN THE HOUSE' signage on the wall while Jisung is busy blowing the colorful balloons.

Chenle is helping his Jaemin hyung to cook Carbonara.

The four of them are busy. 7 Dream songs are playing loudly on the whole dorm and they are all singing along. They miss 7 dream so much.

"Beureobwa Candle light~ Candle light~ Candle light, baby~" Renjun's voice is more louder.

He's even dancing while singing it so Jisung can't help but to laugh at his hyung cuteness.
Renjun almost get the broom and use it as his mic. Gladly, his Jeno hyung is not around. He might scold them and turn off the music if he's here.

"Jisunga~ can you please help me with this?" Renjun asked after the song changed. Jisung looks at him with a questioning look.

"Why hyung?" He asked.

Renjun is almost finished. Why is he asking for his help?

"Can you put this green heart above the signage? I can't reach it." Renjun said.

Jisung almost laugh because of his hyung's sudden pout. He immediately agreed of helping him without minding his swollen knee.

"Sure hyung!"

He step on the sofa and get the green heart on Renjun's hand.

He tiptoed a bit and succeeded placing the green heart above the signage, but he was startled when he heard Chenle shouted.

"What the heck, Park Jisung?!"

AFTER the song changed, Chenle went to the sala to get his phone and call Jeno because he forgot to tell him to buy a box of ice cream. He is smiling while walking on the sala, but he got stilled when he saw Jisung, tiptoeing on the sofa, and placing a green heart above the signage.

His blood boil because he know that his knee is not yet okay and he's just forcing himself to tiptoe.

He went behind the younger and can't help but to cussed. He's worried about his knee!

"What the heck, Park Jisung?!"

Jisung got shocked when Chenle shouted so he immediately lose his balance and fell above the older.

There's nothing to worry about.
Chenle's back didn't hurt. He landed on the carpet while Jisung is on top of him. The carpet is soft, but the thing that is touching his lips is more softer.

Chenle's eyes widened in surprise when he realized that Jisung accidentally kissed him.

He immediately push him away when he finally get back to his senses. His heart is beating oddly.

"W-What are you doing?!" he asked. His cheeks heated up.

Renjun, immediately covered his eyes as he saw his two dongsaengs kissed in front of him.

His innocent eyes, now became not-so-innocent because of them.

"You kids are unbelievable!" Renjun hissed.

Jisung blushed as he tried to avoid Chenle's gaze. He swear he didn't do it on purpose! It was an accident! His face crumpled.

This is so embarrassing.

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