Chapter 1

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Slowly you wake up to a loud alarm ringing in your ear. You turn off the alarm and stumble out of bed, grabbing your phone off the charger. You make your way downstairs only to see your older sister watching the news.

"Finally your up, go change or your going to make me late." She says looking at you, then her vision met the television again.

Your parents died in a car accident when you were little so ever since you were stuck with your older sister. She tries to control you all the time but you didn't care anymore.

You open your door and grabbed a change of clothes. Walking back to the bathroom, you set your stuff down and started the shower.


Getting out of the shower you quickly change. Looking in the mirror afterwards just staring at yourself.

"Y/N! Will you hurry up already?!" Your sister yells, snapping out of it you grab your stuff and walk downstairs.

"Took you long enough." She says walking out the front door.

All you do is roll your eyes. There wasn't anything you could really do because you didn't want to sleep on the streets. Although it doesn't seem like a bad idea this time around.

You hop in the car and she drives you to school.


"Get out" She says as you arrived at the school. You get out and shut the door, watching her drive away. After she drives away you face towards the school and let out a sigh as you walk in.

You make your way quickly through the halls and into your class. "Y/N!" Mina waves to you. You and her have been friends for a while, she was the only one really there for you, other than Denki.

"Hi Mina!" You say as you get up from your seat and walk over to her.

She looks you up and down. "Are you ok? You look a little pale." She says as she placed her hand on your forehead. You giggle a little and removed her hand. "I'm fine I just don't like going outside." You say shrugging the question off.

"Students please take your seats." Your teacher says as he walks in.

Aizawa was a pretty chill teacher but he can be pretty blunt at times. You make your way over to your seat, you sit next to one of your other good friends, Kirishima.

"Hey Y/N" he says as you sit down in your seat.

"Hey Kirishima" you say back with a little smile and wave. He turns his attention back onto the teacher. You could really care less about school so you just got out your headphones and started listening to your music.

You placed your head down in between your arms, slowly drifting off into your own world.


"Y/N, will you be good for your sister while we are gone?" Your mother said as she patted you on the head.

"Yes mama!" You giggled as she picked you up, holding you in her arms. There was nothing better than being able to be held.
You felt safe.

She placed you down and hugged your sister.

"Will you be dads little soldier while we're gone?" Your father said as he kneeled down to your height.

You placed your hand in a salute position and giggled.

"Yes sir!" You said, he gave you a hug and headed off.

You watched from the window as they drove off. Not knowing that was going to be the last time you saw them.

Your sister walked away from you, every time you asked her to play she would push you out of her room. Every time you were hungry she would make you get it yourself.




You heard someone say making you shoot up from your seat, you ended up falling out of your chair. Looking up you saw Kirishima standing there with his arm extended. You grabbed his arm and stood up.

"Sorry about that, but class is over now. I filled out the notes for you." He said handing you a couple sheets of paper. He always helped you when you tend to blank out.

"Thank you" You said with a smile and grabbing the papers. You go to follow him out of the class until you heard someone call your name.

"Y/N, please stay behind for a moment" Aizawa said, you told Kirishima you would catch up with him later and walked over to the teacher.

"It appears you have been sleeping a lot in class recently. There is a test soon and I would rather you not fail." He said, you started to push his voice out of your head and just started thinking into space.

"...Tomorrow we won't be meeting in class so tomorrow you'll go change and meet everyone on the field." You snapped back and heard him say that last sentence.

"Yes sir." You said as you walked out of the classroom.

You sighed, now time to find where everyone went.

Walking down the hallways you started to blank out again, wondering what it would be like if your parents were still here, and you didn't get bossed around by your sister all the time.

As you were thinking you didn't realize where you were walking and walked straight into a wall.

You fell backwards rubbing your head.

"You should really pay attention where your walking." A voice said.

You turn to look at who said that and it was Todoroki. He put out a hand for you and you took it.

"Thanks" You nervously say as you try and laugh it off. He shrugs it off and walks away.

You walk over to the girls bathroom before being pulled back. You go to punch the person but you couldn't move.

"Did you forget?" He said. You noticed the voice but didn't say a word.

"ANSWER ME!" He says as he throws you to the other side of the hallway.

You hit your head and started to feel something dribbling down your cheek. You ignored it and stood up, looking up at him.

"Leave me alone." You say as you walk past him.

"Whatever, your just worthless anyways." He said as he walked away.

You sat at the side of the hallway after not being able to find your friends.


He always said that to you and so did your sister. You brought your keeps up to your chest and rested your head in your folded arms.

Just before you could drift to sleep you heard someone say you name.

You looked up to see Kirishima. You smiled at him but he didn't seem happy. His eyes widened right when he saw you.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" He said rushing over to you, kneeling down.

You were confused until you saw him pull his hand away from your head.

Blood. That's what it was.

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