Chapter 24

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You searched up the cost of the carnival in town.

$15 a person, I wonder if Keigo wants to go.

You thought as you put your phone down, and went to find Keigo.

"Keigo?" You said as you walked down the hallway. You made it to the kitchen and found him eating chicken.

You went over and sat in front of him.

"Can we go to the carnival in town?" You said, he looked up and made eye contact with you.

He swallowed the food in his mouth, before talking.

"I just got you back, and you want to go to a carnival? Plus, didn't I tell you to take it easy today?" He said as he maintained eye contact with you.

"Well yeah, but I don't have to worry this time." You said, as you looked down at the table.

You felt him looking at you, confused.

"Because you're going to be with me.." You whispered under your breath. You felt him lift up your chin, making you look at him.

"Of course we can go, do you want to bring any of your friends." He said as he sat back down in his chair.

I was hoping it could of been just me and Keigo...

You thought as you looked at him.

"I'm sure they're busy today." You said as you laughed it off.

"Well then, go get ready. We will be leaving in 30 minutes." He said as he got up from the table.

You got up and walked to your room, looking through your clothes.

What do I wear..

You thought, as you slowly started to pull out clothes.

You decided to go with jean shorts and a white t-shirt, matched with some white shoes. You got changed and headed out of the room.

You saw Keigo by the front door, you walked over to him as he picked you up.

"We aren't even outside!" You exclaimed as he walked outside.

"Now we are." He said as he laughed, flying off to the carnival. You looked down over his arms, at the people walking.

They looked so little. You couldn't help but look up a Keigo. He wasn't looking at you, which was good.

It gave you time to admire him, his hair flowing in the wind, and his eyes shining in the sunlight. You spaced out looking at him, just starting to think about him.

You didn't notice him look down at you, you snapped out of it and quickly looked away from him.

He laughed as he looked back up straight.


"We are here!" He said as he landed on the ground, he didn't put you down yet, so you looked up at him.

"You can put me down now." You said to him,  he looked down at you and laughed.

"What if I don't want to?" He questioned at you, you felt your face starting to get hot from those words. You buried your face in his chest as he continued to walk.

He soon placed you down and walked up to the ticket booth with you.

"Two tickets please." You said as you pulled out your wallet. You felt a hand go on top of yours, pushing it down.

"I'm paying." Keigo said, as you turned at made eye contact with him.

"This was my idea though so I'm paying." You said as you continued to take out your wallet.

"You sure?" He said, you looked up to see him giving the man the money already. You groaned as you put your wallet away.

"I'm going to repay you." You said as you got your ticket and walked in.

He let out a laugh as he looked at you.

"Don't worry about it." He said as he playfully nudging you.

You rolled your eyes and continued to walk with him.

I'm going to pay you back, just wait. I'll find a way.

You thought as you followed beside Keigo.

"So which ride do you want to ride first?" You asked him. He looked at you, then back at the rides.

He stood there thinking for a minute until he made up his mind.

"What about that rollercoaster?" He said as he pointed to it.

The ride looked really high, it also had some loops throughout it.

You looked over at him and nodded, he smiled and started walking to the ride with you.

You guys got in line and started to wait. It wasn't long but it felt like forever.

After a few minutes it was finally your turn. You walked to the front row with Keigo, as he sat beside you.

The lady came over and locked you guys in, you were kinda scared, but Keigo looked so happy.

"If you get scared, just remember I'm right here." He said, as the ride started to take off.

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