Chapter 44

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Keigo excused you from the rest of the day at school, after what happened.

He thought it would just be best if you went home and rested.

I hope he knows I have to go through this mostly everyday.

You thought as you walked outside, Keigo picked you up.

"Well shit it's raining." Keigo said as he covered you from getting wet.

You laughed as he took off into the air, flying home.

"Sorry, you're going to be a little wet" Keigo said as he continued to fly.

The rain was pretty nice, but the cold air and Keigo flying didn't mix well.

The cold air sent a shiver down your spine, not to mention it mixed with the rain.

You turned your head and buried it into Keigo's chest.

"I'm sorry babybird, we are almost there." He said as he hurried back home.

He arrived back at the house and got inside, putting you down on the couch.

"Let me get you some dry clothes." He said as he ran off to the room.

You laughed as you sat up and lifted your knees to your chest.

Keigo soon returned back, he was in new clothes and was holding some for you.

You took it from his hands but it was only a sweater.

"Keigo, don't you think I need pants?" You said as you stood up and changed your shirt.

"I think you'll be fine without them, since you're going to be warm against me." He said as he laid on the couch and gestured for you to come next to him.

You laughed as you took off your soaked pants and walked over to him.

He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you onto him.

He placed you in between his legs, but your chest was on top of his.

He grabbed a blanket and covered the both of you with it.

You placed your head down on his chest as he flicked through the channels.

"Are you not getting enough sleep at night? I saw you trying to fall asleep in class today." Keigo said, causing you to look up at him.

"I'm just exhausted being around everyone at school, they get on my last nerves." You said as you shrugged it off.

Keigo let out a laugh and put his finger under your chin, making you look up at him.

He leaned in and kissed your lips, you melted into it as you felt him pulling you up to him.

The kiss didn't last long until you pulled your head away, you held your arm up and sneezed into it.

"Sorry.." You whispered as you leaned back into kiss him, but you sneezed again.

He sat up, causing you to slide down onto his lap.

He held his hand up to your forehead, checking for a temperature.

"I'm not sick Keigo, it's just a sneeze." You said as you laughed, but Keigo got up and walked off to the bathroom.

Why did he just leave like that, did I say something wrong?

You thought, but he returned back with something in his hand.

He sat down next to you and put it in your mouth.

"What is this?" You said as you took it out.

"It's a thermometer, I'm checking for a temperature." He said as he took it out of your hands and put it back in your mouth.

You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes, as he waited for it to go off.

It soon let out a loud beeping noise, he took it out of your mouth and looked at it.

"If you're not sick then why does this say you have a fever." He said as he put it down and got up.

"I'm not sick baby, I'll be fine." You said as you put your head against the couch and looked at the ceiling.

He seemed to ignore your comment and continued what he was doing.

You turned your head to attempt to see what he was doing, but he was blocking it.

"Sit up." He demanded as he turned around and started walking back over to you.

You lifted your head up and looked at him as he sat down.

He handed you a cup of tea and had a wet washcloth in his hands.

He put the washcloth on your forehead, you felt drops of water slide down the side of your face.

"I was going to say we could do something tonight, but looks like that can wait until you're better." He said as he looked up at you.

You gave him a questioning look as you took a sip of the tea he handed you.

"I'm going to take care of you, until you're better." He said as he gave you a soft smile, kissing your cheek.

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