Chapter 45

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You set the cup of tea down and took the washcloth off your forehead.

"Keigo-" You started until he cut you off.

"I will force this to stay on your head if you don't cooperate." He said as he grabbed your waist and turned you around.

He laid you down in between his legs again, but this time your back was against his chest.

He grabbed the washcloth and placed it back on your forehead as he grabbed the blanket and covered you up.

You groaned as you looked up at the ceiling.

"I get you don't like it babybird but just bare with it until you're better." He said as he started playing with your hair.

"I want to know what was going to happen tonight." You said as you tried to look at him.

"Well.." He said as he leaned in towards your ear.

"Let's just say it was going to be a fun time." He whispered into your ear.

You felt your face getting hot as a smile formed across it.

"Oh wow looks like I'm better now!" You said as you tried to sit up, but he wrapped his leg around you, stopping you from moving.

"Hold it right there." He said as he laughed and removed his leg.

You pouted and crossed your arms, looking up at the ceiling.

"I didn't ask to get sick, it was probably because of the stupid rain." You said as you threw your arms up.

"It's fine babybird, it just gives me more time to take care of you." He said as he placed his hand on top of the washcloth.

"It gives me more time to prove myself as a good boyfriend." He said, you tried to look up at him, but only saw his hair.

"You're the perfect boyfriend I could ask for." You whispered as you lifted your arm up and put your hand on his.

You tightened your grip a little, as he turned his hand around and intertwined it with yours.

You sat up and turned towards him, he quickly tried to lay you back down but you refused.

"I want to lay to where I can at least see you." You said as you placed your head on his chest.

He grabbed the washcloth and tried to adjust it on your head.

"Lift your held up really quick." He said, you listened to him as he placed the washcloth under you.

"This washcloth is wet though." You said as you laid your head on it.

"It's meant to lower your fever, I'm sorry but it will be over soon." He said as he rubbed the back of your head.

You wrapped your arms around his waist as you laid on top of him, you adjusted your leg to were one was on top too.

The other one was under his leg, but it didn't bother you.

"You should try and get some rest so you can heal faster." He said as he kissed the side of your head.

You laughed into his chest and looked over at the movie playing.

"I'm not tired though." You said as you continued to look at the movie.

"That's what you say until you go back to school and sleep through the classes." He said as he laughed and rubbed your back.

"Not my fault it's boring, I'd rather be here with you all day." You said as you looked up at him.

He leaned down and kissed your lips, you slowly melted into it and started to sit up.

The kiss slowly grew more passionate as time passed by.

Keigo soon pulled away, as you looked at him with a begging face.

"Once you are better we can, for now get some sleep." He said as he laid you back on him.

You groaned as you placed your head on his chest.

"But.." You whispered as you let out a sigh.

"You know if you rest you could get better faster and we could continue this sooner." He whispered back to you as he started to play with your hair.

You felt a smile come across your face, as you looked at the television screen.

He is such a tease, but that's fine. I just want him so bad, if it wasn't raining and I didn't get sick then this wouldn't of happen. It is kind of nice that he is taking care of me though.

You thought as you slowly closed your eyes.

"Goodnight babybird." Keigo whispered as he held onto you tightly, continuing to play with your hair.

"Goodnight baby." You whispered back as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

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