Chapter 13

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The boys headed home to grab some clothes, Mina already agreed to letting you use some of hers.

While the boys were gone, you decided to change into some shorts and a shirt.

"Sooo" Mina said as she sat on the bed, you looked over at her while you were putting on the shirt, you looked at her in confusion.

"What's up with you and Hawks" She said, as you went and sat next to her. You felt your face starting to get hot just at the thought of him.

"Well, he's letting me stay with him because I don't have anywhere else, he already informed Aizawa about it too, nothing else." You said as you looked at her, she looked at you and laughed.

"Are you sure it's nothing else, your face is turning pretty red." She said as she poked your cheeks. Your eyes widened as you looked away, she just continued to laugh.

We've only been living together for a couple days, but why do I feel like this.

You looked back at Mina, to see she was in her bathroom.

"Makeup time!" She said as she walked over to you, pulling your arm. She sat you on the toilet seat, and pulled out her makeup bag.

You didn't wear makeup, so this was going to be different. Right as she was about to start, her door opened. She looked out of the bathroom, to see the boys, placing their stuff down.

Denki walked over to the bathroom, to see what was happening, you looked at him and gave him the 'help me' look.

He looked around to see Mina getting her stuff ready, he turned his head to the boys, and looked back at her.

"Hey Mina! Why don't you try doing Bakugou's makeup? I'm sure he would love it." He said as Mina turned her attention to Denki. Her eyes lit up as she ran out of the bathroom.

You sat up and gave Denki a hug, it didn't last long, until you heard screaming from the other room. You let go of Denki and walked out to investigate.

You saw Mina pinning Bakugou to the ground, putting makeup on him. You couldn't help but laugh, Kirishima was also helping Mina hold him down.

"Stop yelling! Your going to be pretty!" Mina said as she continued, she put fake eyelashes on him, along with some lipstick.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!" Bakugou yelled as he kept trying to get up, Denki walked in the room and started bursting out laughing.

"DON'T LAUGH AT ME!" He said as he let out a explosion, it hit your ankles and you looked at him. You pushed glass off the shelf and used that sound against him.

"She got you, and she got you good" Kirishima said as he held down Bakugou, he started to squirm from the noises you sent him. You soon released it, causing him to relax.


You cleaned up the glass as Mina finished his makeup, once she was done Bakugou ran to the restroom, looking at himself in the mirror.

You got up and stood behind him, putting your hand on his shoulder.

"See, aren't you beautiful." You said, you saw him glare over to you and roll his eyes. You smiled and walked out of the bathroom.

It was getting pretty late, once you guys made it back to Mina's room, she was talking to someone.

You noticed it was your phone and your eyes shot open.

"How do you know Y/N?" She said, talking to the person. You ran over to her and tried to grab your phone but she pushed you away.

"Ok well if you hurt her, I will hurt you." She said as she hung up the phone, you grabbed it to see who it was, and it was Hawks.

"Who was that?" Kirishima said, as he sat on the floor. Mina looked at Kirishima, as the other two boys leaned in.

You ran over to cover her mouth, but she dogged it.

"It's Y/N's boyfriend" She said as she teased you, Denki widened his eyed as Kirishima got up.

"He's not my boyfriend!! He's just a friend." You said as you crossed your arms, your face was a bright red. Kirishima walked over and gave you a hug.

"What is his name?" Bakugou asked as he sat on the bed. You tried to get out of Kirishima's grip but he was too strong.

"Hawks" Mina said as she skipped around the room. The whole room went silent, while Kirishima was in shock, you escaped his grip and ran to the other side of the room.

"He is not my boyfriend, we are just friends!" You said as you looked at all of them. Denki rolled his eyes in disbelief, causing you to smack your forehead.

There's no point of trying now.

You thought as Mina laughed, she walked over to her closet and pulled out some blankets for the boys. You walked and sat on her bed, as everyone got situated.

You laid down, looking at the ceiling. The room slowly got quite, as everyone started falling asleep.

We're not even dating.

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