Chapter 4

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You were walking down the street with your phone in hand.

You have already text Mina, Denki, and Kirishima that you loved them.

You made your way down the street, everyone kept looking at you. You couldn't figure out why but you just ignored it.

Mina and Kirishima were blowing up your phone, worried sick. You decided to ignore them.


You made your way up the building, to the roof. Once you got up there all you felt was the cold breeze, grazing against your skin.

It felt nice because you didn't have anything to hide your cuts, so the breeze against the warm blood relaxed you.

Hawks POV.
Flying around the city was boring. I decided to stop and sit on the roof. It was the second highest building in the city.

I puffed out my wings as the cold breeze blew through my feathers, sending a shiver down my spine.

Soon, I decided to sit down on the edge of the building, looking at the view. Not long after I sat down, I noticed someone.

Why is someone on the roof? It's probably a worker.

I thought as I continued to looked at the view. It didn't take long before my vision focused back to the figure.

The person slowly approached the edge of the building.

What are they doing? If they get any closer they're going to fall.

I stayed put, but never took my eyes off them.

I sat there for a while until I saw them turning around.

Ok, they're going back inside.

Until I saw the figure slowly falling backwards off the building.

I walked towards the edge of the building.

I hope everyone will be happier now...

You thought as you turned around, smiling as a tear fell down your cheek. You then slowly walked backwards, stepping off the building.

It was peaceful, you felt the wind brush across your body. Nothing was better than this feeling.

As you fell towards the ground, you started to feel like you were... floating? You were confused and opened your eyes.

You realized you were in someone's arms, flying you away from the ground.

Looking up at the person you saw it was Keigo Takami, or in other words Hawks.

Your eyes widened and started to squirm out of his grip.

"Calm down kid, I'm not going to let you fall." He said as he kept flying with you in his arms.

"Why.." You say with tears falling down your face.

He looked at you, confused.

"Because I don't want you to die?" He said still looking at you.

You were shocked. Even though he didn't know you, you've never heard someone say those words to you.

As he was flying your vision started to go blurry. You tried to fight it but ended up blacking out.

Hawks POV.
Staring at her in my arms, I could tell she was in pain.

I kept flying until I felt her body go limp. I looked down at her, but she was unconscious.

"What the-" I said as looked at her. I soon noticed her arms. Blood was still flowing out of the deep cuts.

My eyes widened, just now noticing she jumped on purpose.

I can't just let her bleed out..

I thought as I flew back to my house.


Opening the door, I carefully placed her on the couch, then ran to grab the first aid kit.

I walked back out, heading over to her. I kneeled down and opened the first aid kit.

I grabbed her arm, slowly cleaning the cuts just in case she woke up.

After, I wrapped and cleaned her cuts. I picked her up and carried her to my bed, finally laying her under the warm covers.

Poor kid..

You opened your eyes you realized you weren't in your room. You shot up from the bed and looked around.

Where am I..

You tried to stand up, but you stumbled into the dresser and then grabbed onto it to stop yourself from falling.

You looked down at your arms, holding onto the dresser. You realized your wounds were wrapped.

Everything started to come back to you. You stood there for a moment, shocked at the fact Hawks saved you.

You came back to reality and tried to walking again.

Taking a step forward, you let go of the dresser.


A loud crash echoed through the room as you fell face first. You went to stand up until someone entered the room.

"Are you ok?" He said, as you heard footsteps walking towards you.

You felt your body start to tremble, and soon realized you were in Hawks house.

Nonononono this cant be happening.

Mentally face palming yourself, you felt his hands grab onto your waist, helping you up.

"Don't over work yourself kid." He said as he sat you back down on the bed.

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