Chapter 22

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You rest against the chains holding up your weak body. You saw Toga happily skipping out of the room, leaving you alone in the dark.

You had no energy left in you, after everything she just did. You felt the blood slowly pouring down your skin.

All the gashes and cuts, stung from the cold air blowing against them. She had cut your clothes in the process of everything, because they were 'in the way.'

All you had on was a cut up t-shirt, and shorts.

You sat there in silence listening to the sounds of your own blood, hitting the floor.

After a few minutes, you heard the door slowly crack open. A little bit of light shined into the room, but you didn't have the energy to look up.

"Please... I can't take anymore.." You whispered, the person didn't respond, or move.

Soon you started to hear footsteps walking towards you.

"Please, I can't handle this anymore." You said as you cried out. You felt a hand slide under your chin, lifting your head up to meet theirs.

Hawks POV.
I got inside the house, trying not to make any noise. I started to walk down the hallway, until I saw Toga skipping out of a room.

I waited there for a few minutes, until deciding to go towards that room, opening the door.

My eyes widened at the sight, I saw Y/N laying restless against chains on the wall.

"Please... I can't take anymore..." She whispered, I stood there in shock.

She had gashes and blood running down her legs and arms. There was blood and bruises all over her.

Her clothes also looked like they were cut up, revealing her pale skin. I formed my hands into fist, but soon relaxed them.

I want to kill them, but I have to get Y/N out of here.

I thought as I slowly started walking towards her.

"Please, I can't handle this anymore." She cried out, I slid my hand under her chin, lifting her face towards mine.

She looked lifeless.

"I'm going to get you out of here.. just hang on." I said, she let out a weak smile as her eyes started to slowly close.

"I knew you would come.." She said as she soon passed out. I used one of my feathers to pick the lock on the chains.

I grabbed onto her, so she wouldn't fall whenever the chains were off.

I finished taking off the chains and picked her up bridal style. It hurt to look at her like this, but I had to get her back.

I walked out of the room, looking before I ran. The coast was clear, so I ran towards the front door, making my way outside.

I jumped into the air and flew away, as I was flying I looked down at her.

Her skin was pale, with red blood streaming down her body. In spots there was purple markings.

Her h/c was in a ponytail, but still had dry blood on the ends. I looked up as I continued to make my way back.

Once I arrived back, I ran inside and placed her down on the couch. I went and got the first aid kit and some clothes.

I decided to grab one of my shirts and a pair of her sweatpants. I made my way back to her and started to patch her up.

As I cleaned up the blood, I noticed that half of the cuts were deep.

Stupid Toga.

I thought as I wrapped them up, I also noticed burn markings on her wrists and shoulders.

I held in my tears as I continued to patch her up.

Once I was done I grabbed the fresh pair of clothes. I closed my eyes as I slowly changed her. Once I finished, I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl.

I filled the bowl with water and walked back over to her. I placed her hair in the water and washed out the blood.

As I finished, I went and dumped the water out leaving the bowl in the sink. I made my way back to her, and picked her up.

I can't risk the same thing happening, I'm not going to let you out of my sight.

I thought as I carried her to my room, placing her on my bed. I took off my jacket and changed into shorts and a shirt.

I walked over to the bed and pulled her close to me, wrapping her in my wings.

I held her in my arms as I slowly started falling asleep.

"Your safe now.." I whispered as I slowly drifted off to sleep, holding her close to my body.

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