Chapter 23

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You woke up, feeling a warm embrace holding onto you. You look up to see Keigo, sleeping.

You felt your face getting hot and buried it back into his chest.

You heard a soft noise from him, as he adjusted himself, still not letting you go.

You looked back up to him, he looked so peaceful and cute while sleeping.

He slowly peeled open his eyes and looked back at you.

"Hey.." He said softly, his sleepy voice was peaceful but deep, you let out a small laugh.

"Hey" You whispered to him, as you moved out of his grip. He removed his wings around you, revealing the bright room.

You squinted your eyes and put your face in a pillow. You heard a laugh from Keigo, as he got up from the bed.

You removed your face out of the pillow and stood up beside him. You looked down at yourself, seeing you were in a over-sized shirt and sweatpants.

You also saw patching around your wounds. You looked up at him as he looked in his closet.

"Today, take it easy, ok?" He said as he turned around to look at you, you nodded and walked out of the room.

You walked to the bathroom and shut the door.

You looked over in the mirror, staring at your reflection.

You saw your face getting red by the second.

I should take a bath..

You thought as you started the bath water, you walked over to your room to get your phone.

You grabbed your phone off your bed and walked back to the bathroom.

You saw Keigo walk out of his room, and made contact with you.

"Let me know when you're out, and I'll help patch you up again." He said as he walked out to the kitchen.

You nodded and walked to the bathroom, shutting the door.

You turned off the water and took off your clothes, you started taking off the patching, wincing in pain.

The tearing away from your skin was painful, once it was done, you couldn't help but stare at them.

You snapped out of it and slowly got into the warm bath. As you sat down you looked up at the ceiling, letting your body relax.

You couldn't relax though, the warmth against the wounds was painful. Slowly you started to relax your body, but it was still tense.

God dammit just relax.

You thought as you picked up your phone from the ground.

You decided to text Bakugou, and ask him a question.
Y/N- 'Question.'

'What do you want dumbass.'-Bakugou

Y/N- 'How do you relax your body whenever it won't.'

'I guess just try finding your happy place.' -Bakugou

Y/N- 'Okay, thanks!'
You put your phone down and started to think about what he said.

My happy place..

You sat there, thinking to yourself about what that could be.

You decided to shrug it off and wash your hair.


You got out of the bath, drying yourself off. You grabbed the shirt you had on earlier and held it up.

This isn't mines, is it Keigo's?

You thought as you put it on, along with some shorts.

You opened the door and walked out of the bathroom, heading towards the living room.

You looked around for Keigo and didn't see him.

"Boo!" Someone said as they grabbed your shoulders. You screamed and turned around, punching the person straight in the gut.

You looked at Keigo, clenching his stomach.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" You said as you bent down to him.

As he released his stomach, you hurried to give him a hug. He laughed at your actions and returned the hug.

He pulled away from it and dragged you to his room, placing you on his bed. You looked at him confused, as he pulled out the first aid kit.

"Keigo I don't need that." You said as you crawled away from him. He walked around towards you and looked at you.

"I don't want your wounds to get infected." He said, you eventually gave him and let him patch you up.

He started to clean up your wounds, it still stung like hell, but you kept it together.

He finished wrapping you up, and put the kit away.

"Thank you Dr. Takami" You said as you laughed. He let out a laugh and looked at you.

"My pleasure." He said as he walked and sat by you.

You felt your face starting to get hot again, and you quickly covered it with your hands.

He noticed this and looked over at you.

"Are you ok?" He asked, you quickly nodded your head, trying not to make eye contact.

He rolled his eyes and laughed, as he got up and walked out of the room.

You removed your hands once he left, and started to think.

"I wonder.." You whispered as you took out your phone.

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