Chapter 11

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You woke up to a crashing sound, to find yourself on the floor.

You rubbed your head, as you realized you rolled out of bed, literally.

What a wonderful start to my day. Apparently I did end up falling asleep.

You stood up, just to sit back on the edge of your bed.

"Is everything ok?!" You heard someone shout from the hallway, running to your room.

You heard him crash into your door, as it was followed by a thump on the floor.

You covered your mouth with your hands, and started to laugh. Soon you stood up and opened your door, to find him laying there.

"You forgot to open the door" You said as you tried to hold back your laugh.

He laid there dazed out, you couldn't hold it anymore, and started bursting out laughing.

He shook his head and stood up, crossing his arms in a pout.

"Listen, I was just coming to check on you because I heard a crash.. and forgot there was a door." He said as he looked away, you just smiled.

"Anyways, I have to go patrolling soon." He said as he stood in the hallway.

Maybe I could come, since I have nothing else to do.

You thought as you looked at him, he looked at you back, trying to figure out what you were thinking.

"Can I come?" You said, he formed a smile on his face and let out a small laugh.

"Not today kid, I don't want you getting hurt." He said. You hated it when people thought you could get hurt easily. You rolled your eyes and walked back into your room.

You headed over to your phone, unlocking it to text Mina.
Y/N- 'Can I come over today?'

'Sure! I'm going to invite others too.' -Mina

Y/N- 'Sounds like a plan.'
You put your phone down and headed over to your closet to get ready.

You stared at your clothes for a good minute until picking out a outfit. You decided to go with ripped black jeans and a white cropped t-shirt.

Once you changed, you picked out a red jacket to go with it. You put on your shoes and grabbed your phone.

You headed out of your room to the front door, to notice that Hawks already left. You shrugged it off and shut the door.
Y/N- 'You think you can come pick me up?'

'Yeah just meet me at the park' -Mina

Y/N- 'Kk.'
You put your phone in your pocket and headed towards the park, it was a 10 minute walk but better than walking 45 minutes.

As you were walking, you spotted some guys behind you. It didn't bother you until you heard their footsteps start to speed up.

You felt your stomach start to knot up, once it did, you started to picked up your pace. It didn't take long though until you reached the park.

You sat on the bench and waited for Mina, but those guys came and stood in front of you.

"Look what we have here." One of the guys said, there were 3 guys. You couldn't really see their faces because it was covered.

You rolled your eyes, as you felt one of them pick you up by the collar of your shirt.

"Aren't you a feisty one." He said, as he started to move his hand to your throat, while the other two guys stood around him.

Shit, I don't want to activate my quirk, but I don't have a choice.

You heard the wind pick up, you took that opportunity to use the rustling of the leaves, and send it towards the attackers.

Your quirk is sound bend, you can take the sounds around you and manipulate it, making the sound louder or quieter, and you can change the pitch of it too. You can use the sound as a direct attack at one person but to do it towards multiple people takes a lot of energy.
Your quirk however can be dangerous, when doing a big attack or over using it can cause you immense pain, along with your ears bleeding.

You sent the sound at the boy holding on to you. As soon as the sound hit him you changed the pitch, to where it's a loud ringing.

He dropped you, covering his ears from the noise, you took this chance to stand up.

You saw Mina's car drive up, she rolled down her window and shouted at you, you noticed Kirishima was there too.

As you stood up to run, the two other guys grabbed you, as the other one was laying on the floor.

You saw Kirishima start to get out of the car, running coming to help you.

I can't let these guys beat me, I have to show everyone I can't get hurt easily.

You thought as you used the sound towards the other two attackers. They dropped to the floor as you escaped their grip.

You ran to Kirishima, grabbing his arm, pulling him to Mina's car with you. You pushed him in the car and hopped in.

"Y/N, what happened?!" Mina said as she stared at you. You shook your head and deactivated your quirk.

The guys soon spotted you in the car and started to run towards your direction. Your eyes widened and turned to Mina.

"Drive!! Go!" You said panicking, as she pressed on the gas, driving away from the park.

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