Chapter 9

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You walked to you room once he left, placing down your stuff. You plopped on your bed, laying sprawled out.

How did he even get ahold of my phone, I took it to school with me.

You picked up your phone, unlocking it to see if it was true.

'Keigo Takami'

You sighed as you turned off your phone, dropping it beside you on the bed.

I should shower, plus I can do basically whatever till 8.

You let out a tiny laugh, as you got up from your bed. Heading over to your closet, you decided to go with a white oversized t-shirt.

You could just put shorts on once he arrived, so you decided to just be comfortable until then.

You made your way to the bathroom, carrying your stuff.

Once you made it to the bathroom, you put your stuff down and closed the door.

You turned the shower on and started to get undressed. Before you got in though, you took a glance at yourself in the mirror.

You haven't always been confident about your body, so whenever you looked at it, it hurt worse.

You wrapped your arms around your waist, grabbing onto your skin.

You felt your eyes start to water up, but you wiped them, and hopped in the shower.


Stepping out of the shower, you could barley see with the hot steam everywhere.

You grabbed your clothes and started to put them on.

As you opened the door, you saw the steam exit the room. You felt the cold air brush against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine.

You walked down the hallway, heading to the living room.

I could watch a movie before he gets back...

You thought as you sat on the couch, grabbing a blanket to put over your body.

Laying there, you flicked through channels and movies, until one caught your eye.

You clicked the button on the remote, selecting the movie. As the movie started to play, you laid down, snuggling up in the blanket.


You woke up, on the cold concrete, slowly sitting up.

'How did I get here..'

You thought as you stood up. It's been raining all night, so your clothes were soaked.

You walked to you house, but once you got there, you stood in front of ashes and burnt wood. You tilted your head, wondering if you had the right address.

You did, but since when did your house burn down. You started to sneeze from the cold, as you rubbed your nose. You started walking to Denki's house, since it was close by.

As you were walking, you decided to stomp in the puddles you came across.

It wasn't long though until you arrived at his house, his parents knew you pretty well, since you came over a lot.

As you knocked on the door, you started to hear noises from inside. The door slowly opened, as you saw his face behind the door.

"C-can I stay here tonight." You said as you were shivering. Your arms were wrapped around your soaking wet body, waiting for a response.

"No." He said as he started to shut the door, you put your foot in the way of the door shutting, causing him to look at you.

"Denki please." You said as you stared at him, he ended up shaking his head.

"Not after what you did." He said as he pushed you out of the way, shutting the door.

You stood at the door in shock of what happened.

'What did I do?'

You thought as you walked away from his house. You pulled out your phone to call Mina, but instead of it ringing, it went to voicemail.

'She always kept her phone on though, the only possible reason is.. she blocked me.'

You stood there in the middle of the sidewalk, staring at your phone.

It wasn't long before your phone got blurry, from the raindrops on the screen.

You put your phone away, and decided to walk to Keigo's house.

'What if he hates me too..? What did I even do wrong.'

You thought as you walked to his house, with your head facing towards the ground.


Once you arrived, you hesitated before knocking on the door, afraid of what he was going to say.

You built up the courage to knock, hoping he would answer.

You stood there for a minute, about to walk away. Until you heard the door creak open, revealing him.

"So your back." He said bluntly, as he leaned on the door frame, looking you up and down.

"I don't know what I did wrong, all my friends hate me suddenly." You said as you looked down, letting out a sigh.

"Can I stay here tonight, please." You whispered, with your faces pointed downwards.

All you heard though was a scoff, soon followed by the door shutting.

You looked up to find he wasn't there anymore, he went back inside.

Your eyes widened with tears in them, as you turned around and walked away.

You made it to your old spot you use to sleep, when your sister would kick you out.

It took you a minute before you could lay down. You wiped the tears from your eyes as you laid down on the cold concrete.

Silently crying yourself to sleep.

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