Chapter 51

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"What do you mean might make it out of here alive." You questioned as he scoffed.

"It means we will kill you!" Toga said as she let out a happy laugh.

You looked over at her as she took out a knife and held it beside her.

You widened your eyes and quickly turned back to Shigaraki.

There was silence for a few seconds until someone broke it.

"Are we just going to sit in silence or what." Dabi said in an annoyed voice.

Shigaraki scoffed at him and reached up to the hand on his face, taking it off.

He dropped it down to the floor and kneeled down to your level, looking you in the eyes.

Why does his face look like that.

You thought as you looked at appearance. It wasn't bad but it wasn't normal.

"Listen here. I want to know your plan." He said as he maintained eye contact with you.

"What plan." You asked in confusion.

"For the future." He said as he raised up his hand.

You were fairly confused at first until it hit you.

In class today before I dozed off, I remember Aizawa talking to us about our hero plan and their plans for the future.

You thought as you tried to think of what to say.

I can't rat out everything they're doing, but how do I say it.

You though as Shigaraki lowered his hand on your shoulder, gripping onto it firmly.

It didn't hurt much because it was only a few fingers holding on, but he was digging his nails into your skin.

You swung your leg up and kicked him away from you, causing him to tumble backwards.

"No comment." You said as you looked at him laying on the floor.

Someone walked over to him to help him up, but it didn't look human. It looked like purple dust but it was staying in one spot.

"Sir are you ok?" The thing said as they helped him up.

He didn't respond to it, but walked over to you instead.

"When I talk you better have an answer, and don't fucking kick me." He said as he angrily gripped onto your throat, but his middle finger wasn't touching.

You tried to move out of his grip but it was no use.

Soon you felt a sharp pain in your thigh, causing you to yell.

You looked down to see a knife sticking out from the side.

"Stop moving!" Toga said as she walked over and ripped the knife out, causing you to yell in pain.

Shigaraki soon removed his grip around your throat and backed away from you, making sure he didn't get kicked again.

You could feel the blood pouring out of your thigh, as you sat there, useless.

"Now answer my question. What are your plans." He said as he repeated his self.

"No comment." You said in a low tone as you sat there. He rolled his eyes at you and looked over at the dust portal.

"Kurogiri, this brat is being a handful." He said as he pointed towards you.

"I can hear you." You said as you rolled your eyes, drifting into thought.

So the purple thing is Kurogiri, noted.

You thought until you got snapped out of it.

"I'm done with her, get her out of here" Shigaraki said as he turned around.

"Sir she might go tell everyone about what you said and where we are." Kurogiri said as he looked at him.

You sat in the chair, trembling with fear of what might happen.

"Then kill her." Shigaraki said as he continued to walk away.

You felt a pair of hands wrap around your arms and waist, lifting you out of the chair. You looked up to see it was Dabi carrying you away.

"I want to see this!" Toga said as she happily skipped towards him.

You tried to get out of his grip but it was no use.

"Kurogiri , warp us to the top of a building." Dabi said, the man followed his command as he walked inside.

You looked around as your surroundings disappeared into the dark purple shadow, then into a sky.

You widened your eyes as Dabi approached the edge of the building, sitting you on the edge.

"Time to say goodbye." He said as he lifted his foot up to you, about to push you off.

"It was nice meeting you!" Toga said as she giggled.

Before you knew it, your life started to fade away.

You were falling backwards off the building, and even if you were going to try and stop, your arms were tied up so you couldn't move.

You felt tears starting to fill up your eyes as thoughts soon over came you.

I don't want it to end like this.

You thought as you looked up. You soon closed your eyes as tears started to fall out.

I can't do anything to stop it though..

You thought as you felt the wind, quickly brushing across your body.

"I'm sorry Keigo.. I love you.." You whispered to yourself as you braced for impact.

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