Chapter 49

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You wake up and look around the room, as your eyes adjusted to the light.

You yawned and rolled over to face Keigo, but he wasn't there.


You thought in confusion as you sat up.

He wasn't anywhere in the room, so he must have left.

You sighed and sat up, going to change.

You stumbled over your own feet at first but caught yourself on the wall.

You shook it off and soon changed for school, grabbing your belongings.

You grabbed your phone after and checked it to see if Keigo texted.

"No messages.." You whispered to yourself as you put it in your pocket.

You opened the door and walked around the corner.

"Peekaboo!" Someone shouted as they popped around the corner.

Keigo gestured his arms out as he said that, but you ended up punching him.

"You have to stop scaring me." You said as you crossed your arms and looked down at him.

He held onto his stomach as he looked up at you.

"I didn't think you'd punch me." He said as he laughed.

"I did last time, learn from your experiences" You said as you laughed and walked towards the front door.

You soon felt someone grab your arm, causing you to look around.

Keigo swung you towards his arms and lifted you up bridal style, walking out of the door.

"Extra much." You said as you looked up at him.

He gave you a soft smile as his nose scrunched up.

"You love it when I do these extra things for you." He said as he jumped into the air and flew off to school.

He wasn't wrong, you loved it when he even showed you attention.

You held onto his shirt as you buried your face into his chest.

His heartbeat was soothing, whenever he would fly you would listen to it. So you didn't have to listen to the wind, rushing by your ears.

Soon you felt him landing on the ground, and putting you down on the floor.

You fixed your clothes and looked up at him.

"Are you picking me up from school?" You asked as he jumped into the air.

"Of course babybird, I'll see you then!" He said as he flew away.

You smiled and turned around, going to walk into the school.

As you were walking, you felt the feeling of someone watching you.

You turned around, looking at the surroundings but it was crowded by people.

Before you could investigate more, Mina ran up and grabbed your arm, pulling you inside.

"You're back! We are going to be late!" She said as she hurried to class, dragging you with her.

You shook off the feeling and continued to class.

Mina opened the door and walked in, you followed in behind her.

You walked over to your seat and put your head down.

You took your phone out of your pocket and started texting Keigo.
Y/N- 'Hey birdie.'

'Aren't you in class?' -Keigo

Y/N- 'Yeah, but I'm bored and miss you.'
Someone tapped your shoulder, causing you to look up.

You saw Aizawa, looking down at your phone.

"Get off your phone and pay attention." He said as he walked away.

You sighed and put your phone back into your pocket.

You felt it go off, signaling he texted back.

I hope this class hurries.

You thought as you rested your head on the palm of your hand.

You started going off into thought about what he could of said.

Maybe after school I can ask him if we can stop to get some ice cream.

You thought as you smiled.

You looked over at Mina to see she was just as bored.

You crumbled up at piece of paper and when the time was right you threw it at her.

The paper hit her head, causing her to shoot back into reality.

She grabbed the paper and looked at you.

She threw it back, but didn't time it properly, which caught Aizawa's attention.

"If I have to tell you two to quit it one more time." He said in a low tone as he focused his eyes on you and Mina.

"Yes sir." You said as you tried not to laugh.

"I understand." Mina said as she tried not to break out laughing too.

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