Chapter 38

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"Babybird.." You hear softly into your ear. You lift open your eyes to see Keigo's face inches away from yours.

He smiled and gently placed a kiss on your lips.

You sat up, rubbing your eyes and looking around.

"What time is it..?" You say as you stood up, wrapping a blanket around your body.

"It's 5pm, I have to go patrolling. I didn't want to leave without telling you." He said as he pulled you into his warm embrace.

You relaxed in his arms, until he pulled away and put on his coat.

"Do you have to go." You whined as he looked up at you.

He laughed as he kneeled down and put on his shoes.

"That's what it comes with being a pro hero." He said as he stood up and gave you another kiss.

You watched him walk out of the door, shutting it behind him.

You sat back down on the couch and sighed.

Maybe Mina is awake.

You thought as you picked up your phone and texted her.
Y/N- 'Hey Mina do you want to come over? Keigo left for patrolling.'

'Of course! On my way.' -Mina

Y/N- 'Door is unlocked.'
You put down your phone and waited for her to arrive.

It wasn't long until the front door slammed open.

You looked over to see Mina, she was smiling and carrying a bag.

"That bag never brings good things." You said as she shut the door, sitting down next to you.

"Yes it does! Like that hot dress and outfit you wore." She said as she opened the bag.

She pulled out ice cream and a deck of cards.

You looked at her confused as she got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Why do you have ice cream in your bag." You questioned as she walked back with two spoons.

"I come prepared." She said as she laughed and handed you a spoon.

She grabbed the television remote and changed the channel to a music station.

She started to lay out the deck of cards and shuffle them.

"Let's see who wins in uno." She said as she gave you some cards.

You picked up the cards and looked at them. Soon you glared at her above the cards.

"You're on!" You said as she laid down the first card.


"UNO!" You yelled as you placed down your card. She looked at you in shock, trying to figure out your next move.

She had at least 7 cards so she didn't really stand a chance.

She placed down a draw 4 card, then looked at you and smiled.

"What a shame." You said as you smiled and placed down your last card.

It was also a draw 4, she looked at you in disbelief as you took a bite of your ice cream.

"No fair." She said as she placed down her cards and crossed her arms.

You laughed and looked over at the time.

"Shouldn't he be back now? It's almost 8." You said as you looked at her.

"Wow we have been playing forever." She said as she laughed and grabbed the remote.

She went to change the channel until the news popped up and interrupted the music.

"Breaking news! A bomb was placed inside the central building, people are currently working to get out but any slightest movement can set it off." The man on the television stated.

You shot up from your position and leaned towards the screen.

"Y/N, calm down. Keigo probably isn't in there." Mina said as she placed a hand on your shoulder, pulling you back.

You sat back a little and tried to relax.

She's right, he's probably not in there. Calm down.

You thought as you tried to control your breathing, but there was a little part of you that felt like you were going to throw up in fear.

Your eyes stayed glued onto the television, as Mina tried to call Keigo.

"Still no answer." She said as she placed down her phone.

"Let me try." You said as you grabbed your phone and tried to call Keigo.

It rang for a few seconds then went to voicemail.

You tried again but the same thing happened.

You started hearing the man talk again, causing you to look at the television.

"A few more people are in the building, the bomb was found on floor 7. We still have no answer of who placed the bomb and why." The man said as he pointed to the building.

"Well no shit, of course the person wouldn't say why he placed the bomb or who he is." Mina said as she sat back on the couch, looking at the screen.

A loud explosion went off, causing your eyes to widen.

The building started slowly falling to the ground, as smoke started flying everywhere.

Everyone was running and screaming, as the building started to fall.

Something caught your eye, you looked towards the top to see red feathers, falling to the ground.

You quickly covered your mouth, as tears started to stream down your face.

"All the people in the building made it out safely, but still no sign of pro hero Hawks. Is he still in there?" The man said as he looked off camera.

You felt your whole body start to tremble as you looked down.

"Y/N.." Mina said softly as she placed a hand on your shoulder.

"KEIGO!" You screamed as tears flooded down your face.

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