Land and Sky Entrance

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Blaze and Roxy helped their friends into the car as they drove back to Grid Battleforce where the guards helped the 5 rangers into the building and had them tended to, Blaze and Roxy were in complete shock that a new duo proved to be even more powerful than their avatars, this was proven as Elliot defeated both Devon and Zoey before combining his powers with Kendra as they took down Nate, Steel, and Ravi without breaking a sweat.

Blaze was pacing back and forth impatiently waiting for some info on the conditions of their friends due to them losing to the new duo

Blaze: come on, what's taking them so long?

Roxy: be patient Blaze I'm just as impatient as you but you don't see me being short tempered about it

Blaze sighed in defeat as he sat down beside his long time friend and love interest Roxy

Blaze: I'm sorry Rox I just feel so powerless, if only we had done something to prevent them from getting hurt

Roxy placed her hand on Blaze's shoulder and gave him a comforting smile

Roxy: it's ok Blaze, I'm feeling the same way it's just not the same without our ranger powers

Blaze remained quiet as he remembered the evil things his avatar did while he was comatose, this bought back the memories of his and Roxy's avatars gathering Morph-X for Evox that lead to to him getting gaining his mobile form. Roxy snapped her fingers in front of her close friend, this snapped Blaze out of his thoughts as he looked Roxy who looked worried about him

Roxy: are you okay Blaze?

Blaze: no not really, I just had some flashbacks of the time we were comatose, the things our avatars did just scare the hell out of me

Roxy sighed as she looked to the ground while playing with her thumbs as she gave Blaze an understanding look

Roxy: I saw and heard everything my avatar did, the things she did to hurt our friends, forced Nate against his will to create a body for Evox, thankfully the body Nate created became Steel and Evox wasn't able to possess it due to the human DNA, I even remember when she attempted to sabotage the pod I was in to get rid of me, remembering these things are just too painful for us to handle, it makes me wonder if we'll ever be able to move forward from it

Blaze wrapped his arms around Roxy as he pulled her in for a hug while comforting her

Blaze: it's ok Rox, your not the only one who feels like that, I feel like we are in this difficult situation where we are constantly reminded about our past, it's a bit like the pink galaxy ranger facing her past self in order to help the person she cared about

Roxy: you mean Karone?

Blaze: yeah Karone, she was the sister of the red ranger but was kidnapped at a young age by Darkonda and was raised by Dark Specter to become the princess of darkness, Astronema, even after she became the pink galaxy ranger there was a hint of regret in her heart as she faced her past self to overcome her demons.

Roxy: except the things our avatars did could never be changed, we are still haunted by those events, having to hear Evox ramble on and on about his plans, constantly being insulted by him and Scrozzle for not doing our jobs properly.

Blaze: I don't want to make things worse for us but I was wondering why don't we ask Nate if he can use the recombination technology and select some beneficial traits of our previous ranger forms

Roxy's expression went to sadness to bewilderment as she looked at Blaze

Roxy: you mean the ranger forms that our avatars used?

Blaze: yeah except we'd have some new animal DNA within our bloodstream, this would give us an edge against the new evil ranger duo

Roxy: if we did ask Nate then how would he be able to find the right combination codes

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