Caution: Choices

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Freed from the shackles of Evox's torment, Elliot and Kendra were ready to finally put their past behind them and move forward onto the road to redemption but wondered if they should tell the others about what they had to go through before finally turning their backs on Evox.

Kendra took a deep breath and smelt the fresh air that surrounded them as she fell down on the grass and looked up the sky admiring it's beauty

Kendra: we're finally freed from the binds of darkness

Elliot: I couldn't agree more, but remember Devon and the others won't exactly believe us, and after everything we've done I don't blame them

Kendra: honey that wasn't our fault, Evox tortured and abused us as well as manipulated us into fighting for him as the replacements for Blaze and Roxy

Elliot: whether we were manipulated or not, it doesn't the change the fact that we almost ended them

Kendra saw the regret in her boyfriend's eyes and embraced him as he smiled at her

Kendra: whatever happens I'm always going to be here for you sweetie

Kendra places her hands around his waist and laid her head on his shoulder as he tapped her on the head, just then they heard the screeching of tires as the black suv pulled up next to the park, with Blaze and Roxy walking toward them.

Elliot: can't we have 2 minutes without being interrupted

Kendra: unfortunately not

Blaze and Roxy stood in front of the now former cybervillain duo as they rose to their feet

Blaze: do you two have a death wish?

Roxy: what's the matter has Evox abandoned you?

Elliot balled his hands into fists and assumed his ranger form before sending a crimson energy wave toward the two rangers in front of them, luckily Blaze and Roxy were able to avoid contact and exchanged looks before facing the now rangered up Elliot before nodding to each other

Blaze and Roxy tapped their wrist coms as they materialised into their morphers, pulling out their morph-x keys both Blaze and Roxy morphed into their ranger forms and pulled out their weapons as Elliot began to fight back against them, Kendra watched as her boyfriend was in no mood for any games as she saw the intensity coming from Elliot as he forced both Blaze and Roxy back with his strength, before slashing them across their ranger suits before throwing Blaze into the wall and sending an energy blast toward him rendering him unconscious as Roxy ran over toward Blaze but still kept her blaster aimed at Elliot

Roxy: you are going to regret doing that

Elliot: you guys started it!

Roxy: yeah right, you two are the ones who are in Coral Harbour, the city that we fight to protect

Her words struck a chord with Elliot as he cancelled his transformation and looked toward Roxy as Kendra walked over to her boyfriend

Elliot: I think you mean 'our' city right?

Kendra: we're not here to cause any havoc, not anymore

Roxy was surprised by this as she kept her eyes on the two evil rangers while helping Blaze stand up who had just regained consciousness after the attack from Elliot

Roxy: why are you guys here?

Elliot: we fought back against Evox and were on the receiving end of his wrath as he attacked us in his new ranger form

Blaze: wait a minute, did you just say ranger form?

Kendra: turns out the reason why he needed the morph-x was because he had Scrozzle work on a ranger form of his own, that he dubbed "Black Jaguar".

Roxy: and I take it Black Jaguar was bad news

Elliot nodded in response to what she had said and looked up at Blaze and Roxy

Elliot: he used the data on Devon's cheetah beast-x mode as well as the data on my ranger form and fused them with the Jaguar DNA, resulting in the creation of an enemy we were not expecting to face, we thought that it would be an easy win for both myself and Kendra

Kendra: but sadly we were wrong because Evox is far more powerful than he was before, his physical form was destroyed after Gem and Gemma shot down the tower, venjix was thought to be destroyed for good, but unfortunately the virus remained

Elliot: then years ago, Nate was coming up with a new way to morph, all his experiments failed until he tried one of the Cellshift Morphers, he used the morph-x and snake DNA on the morpher that had the venjix virus, the snake DNA became a part of Evox's data, releasing him into the system

Blaze: but then how come he never made his move?

Roxy: he must've been waiting until the morph-x towers went online, that would explain the reason why Devon said he saw a cobra avatar

Blaze: and I thought he was just being crazy

Elliot: look we don't want to fight with you guys anymore and we can't help you either, right now we need some space and time to think.

Kendra: we've got a lot to atone for especially for our actions as viral crimson and viral purple respectively

Blaze and Roxy exchanged looks and understood how Elliot and Kendra were feeling as they could see the regret in their eyes

Blaze: we understand how you guys feel

Roxy: we were comatose while our avatars did all those evil and unforgettable things to our friends

Elliot: that must've been very hard for you guys to deal with, we're sorry it happened to you like that

Kendra: right now we need some time to figure out what is right for us and what path we want to choose

Blaze: if you guys ever need to talk

Roxy: we'll always be willing to listen

Elliot and Kendra smiled at them as they shared a group hug before pulling away

Elliot: see you soon

Kendra: very soon

Blaze and Roxy nodded at them as Elliot and Kendra walked off as the sun began to set, with Blaze and Roxy walking toward the suv and driving back to Grid Battleforce.

Elliot and Kendra saw the suv drive off into the distance as they exchanged looks with each other

Kendra turned to her boyfriend who was looking over Coral Harbour, like Batman looking over Gotham.

Kendra: do you think they will ever forgive us?

Elliot: honestly, I don't know, besides we've got a lot to atone for

Kendra: true, especially with our actions as viral crimson and viral purple

Elliot: I'm sure Evox isn't done with us just yet, and I don't want them getting caught up in our problem

Kendra: neither do I, right now it's best that we just keep this situation to ourselves until...

Elliot: ....until we're both ready to explain what's been going on with us

Evox was getting impatient as Scrozzle was working on a new RoboTron, one that would finish off the traitors, Elliot and Kendra.

Evox: I'm expecting big things Scrozzle

Scrozzle: not to worry master, this RoboTron will be unlike anything the rangers have ever seen


Scrozzle: Y-Yes Master, as you wish

Scrozzle: knew best to annoy Evox further as he was already in a foul mood after Elliot and Kendra had betrayed him

The RoboTron had been created and it looked different than the others as it had the arms of BulldozerTron, the legs of ShovelTron, torso of BurnerTron and the head of InfernoTron, it had one mission to accomplish, and that was to get rid of Elliot and Kendra once and for all.

Evox: those teenagers are about to learn why I was the most powerful computer virus, once Elliot and Kendra are out of the way, the morphing grid will finally be mine!!!

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