Lover's Division

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Roxy was deep in thought about what they had seen and wondered how they will explain the situation to the team as they weren't exactly ready to trust Elliot and Kendra just yet as she and Blaze continued staring out of the window.

Blaze: are you okay?

Roxy: still deep in thought after what we had just witnessed

Blaze: you aren't the only one, Evox is one tough enemy

Roxy: that's true, I just can't believe that Elliot and Kendra had to deal with what they went through

Blaze: should we tell the others?

Roxy: so far the only thing they know is what they had to deal with all their lives

Blaze: that's true, but when will they reveal what happened with Evox?

Roxy: I guess when they're ready to talk about it

Blaze: that's fair, I mean after everything that they've had to deal with, I don't blame them

Roxy looked at Blaze as a question was echoing in her mind, before she decided to ask her boyfriend about training them, hoping he will agree to it

Roxy: Blaze there's something that I need to ask you

Blaze: what's up Rox

Roxy: I was wondering is it okay if we can train Elliot and Kendra

Blaze looked at her with a confused look and wondered why she would ask

Blaze: Rox you know that they were fighting for Evox

Roxy: I know Blaze but with our help they would make perfect additions to our team

Blaze: I'm sorry Rox but the answers no, for starters they had a rough time whilst still in high school, I mean it's not like we've suddenly become besties with them

Blaze noticed a look of disappointment on Roxy's face before he got up and walked over to her as she continued to stare at the ground

Blaze: I'm sorry Roxy, I know you want to help them but now isn't exactly the best time, not until the commander gives us permission to train them, we have to wait okay?

Roxy looked up at Blaze and gave him a gentle smile before nodding in response, blaze smiled as he kissed the top of her head, and exited the room, with the door shutting behind him. But Roxy wasn't ready to give up just yet, and dialled Kendra's number

Kendra had just got out of the shower, and saw her phone was ringing as she walked over, to answer it

Kendra: Hello?

Roxy: hey girl

Kendra's heart just skipped a beat as she heard Roxy's voice on the other end of her iPhone

Kendra: Roxy!, girl it's so great to hear from you, how are you guys

Roxy: we're good thanks, I just called to let you know that we will help train you guys

Kendra: really girl?

Roxy: yes really pumpkin

Kendra: thanks hun that means a lot to me and Elliot

Roxy: where is Elliot, is he okay?

Kendra: he's good, he left a couple of minutes ago to go for a run

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