Final Choice

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Evox was pacing back and forth after what he heard Elliot and Kendra say, he thought to himself 'they think they can defeat me by themselves, oh we shall see about that', just then he heard two tornadoes appear in front of him revealing Elliot and Kendra, their timing was perfect as Evox lunged toward them, luckily the duo avoided the contact with him

Elliot: my my someone's in a cranky mood

Kendra: what's the matter Evox, lost your favourite toy?

Elliot: no need to cry about it

Kendra: I'm sure your mommy will buy you a new one

Elliot and Kendra began to laugh but their laughter was cut short as Evox shot them with an energy blast, this made contact with them as they hit the crystals before standing up to face him

Elliot: Ow!, hey what gives?

Kendra: why did you attack us?

EVOX: do you fools seriously need to ask me that?

Elliot and Kendra exchanged looks as they knew that they were screwed, but neither one cared as they stood side by side against Evox

Elliot: you can't exactly blame us can you!

Kendra: we have had enough of listening to you!

Elliot: first you kill my mom, have us captured, then you manipulate us into believing your some kind of 'saviour'.

Kendra: we've seen a lot of dreadful people and you are just as low as any of them, as if killing my boyfriends mom wasn't enough, you also abused us, tortured us and forced us to attack our own friends

Elliot: well no more, because this ends now!

EVOX: I couldn't agree more, Scrozzle infuse me with the DNA

Scrozzle: but master- it's not ready


Scrozzle didn't want to make his master's temper worse and did as he was told, he started the fusion process as the Jaguar DNA became part of Evox's data, causing him to evolve into his own ranger form, this shocked both Elliot and Kendra as they had not expected Evox to have his own ranger form

EVOX: looks like I've become even more powerful than I was before, the data on the both ranger suits proved to be useful and now that they are fused with the dna of a Jaguar, I'm invincible.

Elliot: you may look different on the outside

Kendra: but your still the same arrogant bully on the inside

Elliot and Kendra pulled out their morph-x keys and inserted them into their morphers, transforming into their own ranger forms as they began to fight back against Evox

Evox's new ranger form proved to be too much for them to handle as the bullets bounced off his ranger form, this shocked both Elliot and Kendra who continued their attack but unfortunately they had no effect on Evox as he punched Elliot in the chest sending him in the air before kicking him back to the ground and grabbing him by the throat

Kendra picked up Elliot's sword and slashed Evox across the chest and used her blaster to make some distance between herself and Evox as she tended to Elliot who was still recovering from Evox's attempt to strangle him

EVOX: you thought you could stop me, well thing again

Evox charged up his hands as he sent two energy blasts toward Elliot and Kendra, the latter attempted to block but was shocked by what happened next as she saw a crimson light in front of her with the figure blocking the blast before his transformation cancelled as he fell to the ground unconscious and bleeding from his head and lip

Kendra: ELLIOT!!

Kendra ran to where he was lying and placed her arms on his shoulders, seeing the first of the two traitors down Evox began to walk toward them as he stood above Elliot and Kendra before charging up his fist and prepare for another attack.

Seeing this, Kendra picked up her blaster and fired directly in the visor of Evox sending him back as he howled in pain, after putting some distance between herself and Evox, Kendra knew that she had to get herself and Elliot out of there as she pulled out her morph-x key and inserted it into her morpher, teleporting them out of the Crystal Dimension for good

Evox cancelled his transformation while still recovering from the damage done to him by Kendra as he planned to get his revenge on the two who had been scheming to take him down without him expecting it, but unfortunately for Elidra their plan wasn't a success as Evox saw right through what they had been planning and was certain that he would find them and finish what he had started with Kendra's boyfriend, Elliot.


Kendra arrived back at Coral Harbour with her boyfriend Elliot who was slowly waking up from his encounter with Evox as he sat up and looked at his girlfriend who was glad he was okay as she embraced him

Elliot: what happened?

Kendra: when Evox was about to kill me, you used the last of your energy to morph and protect me from the attack, but unfortunately it knocked you out cold and rendered you unconscious.

Elliot: I'm just glad that we had the chance to fight back against him, finally.

Kendra: are you for real?

Elliot: what?

Kendra: since the day he told us to attack our friends I've been wanting to get away from that creep but you kept insisting that the time wasn't right for us to make our move, I kept telling you over and over again to let us fight back against him before it's too late, and now he's become even more powerful than he was before

Elliot knew she was right and looked down in defeat as he blamed himself for not listening to Kendra, who was very upset with him

Elliot: I'm sorry babe, I really am but I wasn't expecting it to get to this point, I thought it would be an easy victory for us if we attacked him when he least expected it, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you

Kendra saw how upset her boyfriend was and wrapped her arms around him as she pulled him towards her and embraced Elliot while gently rubbing his back

Kendra: it's going to be okay babe, we'll get through this together, but now that Evox has evolved into something unfathomable, we can't beat him by ourselves

Elliot looked at his girlfriend and got to his feet as he helped Kendra up to her feet before coming to a conclusion

Elliot: your right, with Evox even more powerful there's only one way we can beat him

Kendra: are you thinking, what I'm thinking?

Elliot: yeah, we're going to visit some old friends

Finally free from the shackles of Evox, Kendra and her boyfriend headed off in the direction of Grid Battleforce as they needed some help, but felt awful deep down as they had attacked Blaze and Roxy multiple times before finally deciding to call it quits with their tormentor, Evox.

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