Hint Of Regret

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Elliot and Kendra were once again successful in not only gathering the morph-x but also defeating both Blaze and Roxy using their ranger forms, however despite being successful both Elliot and Kendra felt sick to their stomachs having to fight against Blaze and Roxy, they decided enough is enough and it was now or never to make their move against Evox

Kendra sat down on the bed and couldn't fight it any longer as she expressed the discomfort she was feeling after defeating Roxy, with Elliot feeling the same way after defeating Blaze, he knew that they can't wait for another day to make their move and decided to deal with this issue for good

Kendra: as much as I enjoy using my ranger powers, I don't feel good using them against our friends

Elliot: your not the only one who feels like that, we don't have to do as Evox says but we have have no other choice

Kendra: especially when we're trying to stay alive

Elliot: I think our powers have made us more powerful than Evox

Kendra: we defeated Blaze and Roxy without any issue, I'm sure we can fight back against Evox if we combine our attacks

Elliot looked at Kendra and knew what she was referring to as he nodded in approval

Elliot: you mean use the eclipsing cobra attack?

Kendra: yeah, we used it before and easily defeated Devon, Ravi and Zoey

Elliot: that's true but the question is, would the attack be powerful enough to damage Evox?

Kendra: that's a good question, but we won't know until we try

Elliot: I guess it's worth a shot, but for right now we've got some friends to see

Kendra nodded in response and stood beside Elliot as they pulled out their morph-x keys before inserting them into their morphers, teleporting them to the city

Devon, Ravi and Zoey had recovered from their encounter with the two viral rangers as they tended to the injuries on Blaze and Roxy who were in shock and disbelief that they had been defeated by Elidra, however they knew something that the others didn't and it hurt them as their friends had no idea what the evil duo were facing

Devon: what happened to you guys?

Blaze: we had an encounter with Elliot and his girlfriend Kendra, who attempted to escape with the morph-x

Ravi: when we faced him the first time it definitely took us off guard as they seemed more powerful than your avatars

Roxy slowly sat up as Zoey helped her sit up

Roxy: being comatose for a year was one thing, but facing Elliot and Kendra was extremely painful for us to handle, especially with Elliot using the viral crimson ranger form

Zoey rubbed her friends back and comforted her as Roxy leaned her head on Zoey's shoulder

Zoey: it wasn't your fault, we had no way of knowing that Evox was in the system, Devon and I found out when we saw your avatars created

Blaze, Roxy and Ravi looked at Devon who was talking with Nate and Steel and were talking amongst themselves

Blaze: Devon was right about Evox all along, I should've believed him and I just thought he was being crazy

Roxy: seeing the digital cobra must've scared Devon as he had no idea that would happen

Ravi: if it wasn't for Devon and Zoey, it would've been a 3 on 2 situation

Blaze: we're just glad you guys are okay Ravi

Ravi: you and me both dude

Nate: Blaze, Roxy there's a situation at the park

Blaze and Roxy exchanged looks and nodded as they knew what the situation was

Devon: will you guys be okay?

Zoey: we can come with to help you guys out

Blaze and Roxy smiled at them and said that they'd be fine, before hugging them and walking out to the car as they drove to the park where they saw Elliot and Kendra standing near the tree

Elliot: you guys sure take your time

Blaze and Roxy walked over to them with their weapons in hand, ready to fight them

Kendra: take it easy, we're not here to fight

Blaze: funny that, seems like whenever we see you your always draining the towers for some morph-x

Elliot: we're only here to tell you guys that we've had enough of Evox

Blaze and Roxy exchanged looks and looked at Elliot and Kendra

Roxy: talking of which, during our battle last night I noticed a look of regret in your eyes Kendra

Kendra: because neither me or Elliot enjoy fighting for Evox, it's something we were forced into doing as he had no henchmen to do his dirty work for him

Elliot: we've had enough of listening to him, abuse, torture, and manipulation are the only things he is good at

Kendra: after what he did to us were not letting him walk over us anymore

Blaze and Roxy put their weapons away and saw how much Elliot and Kendra were struggling to cope with the things they've been dealing with

Evox and Scrozzle were watching the footage from a nearby security camera that Scrozzle hacked into and used it to spy on Elliot and Kendra who were talking to Blaze and Roxy

Scrozzle: looks like those two have proven to be just as worthless and pathetic as Blaze and Roxy

Evox: I will obliterate them the moment they get back here, no one is going to stand in my way of taking over the morphing grid, not even Elliot and Kendra, I should've disposed of them when I had the chance.

Scrozzle: what do we do now Master?

Evox: the Jaguar DNA that we have, prepare to install it into the morph-x those traitors gathered, I will deal with them myself, personally.

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