What Is Right?

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Elliot had returned from gathering 17 barrels of morph-x and was praised by Evox for doing a good job, however Elliot didn't feel please with what he had done and walked away from both Evox and Scrozzle, wanting to be alone.

Scrozzle: what happened to him?

Evox: who cares?!, whatever they go through it makes me difference to me the goal remains the same I will take over the morphing grid and once that happens I will dispose of them two just as I disposed of his mother

Scrozzle and Evox started laughing as their plan was slowly coming together, little did they know Elliot was standing behind the wall and had heard everything they said, feeling enraged Elliot walked to his room where Kendra was looking through his photo album as she noticed her boyfriend walk in

Kendra closed the photo book and walked over to Elliot, placing her hand on his shoulder as he brought up his head to look at her

Kendra: what happened darling?

Elliot: for starters I got into another scrap with Blaze, then I come back here and overhear Evox saying that once he takes over the morphing grid he'll get rid of us, like he got rid of........

Elliot tried to fight back the tears but unfortunately it was no use as he put his head in his hands and looked to the ground, Kendra noticed this and sat beside her boyfriend wrapping her arms around him and giving him a cuddle while also silently crying on his shoulder

Kendra: for how long do we have to do these things, I can't bare to see you in this condition or even think of hurting Blaze and Roxy

Elliot wiped away his tears and looked at his girlfriend

Elliot: we do as he says for one more day before getting the heck out of this place, I can't stand it here, not only that but he's the reason we have missed a whole year of our lives, him and his plans can go straight to hell for all I care

Kendra: what do we do now?

Elliot: for now we stick to the plan, we attack Blaze and Roxy make them believe that everything we're doing is out of our own free will but secretly we're planning to escape this cyber prison and live our the lives the way we want to live them

Kendra nods in approval as she stands beside Elliot

Kendra: no matter what happens I'm always going to be by your side

Elliot kisses Kendra before wrapping his arms around her

Elliot: thanks babe, I know you don't want to do this and to be quite honest I don't either but we have no other option, but once the time is right we will turn on Evox and join sides with Blaze and Roxy, once that happens we'll have our chance to redeem ourselves for the things that we had done.

Kendra: I look forward to that babe, after everything we've been through right now the only two people we can trust are Blaze and Roxy

Elliot: I feel bad for them, they have to keep this a secret from their friends, I reckon we should give them the 'okay' to tell the others

Kendra: now's not the best time, we should be patient about this and reveal everything once the time is right and we can put all this behind us.

Elliot nods in response to Kendra as they stand in front of the balcony and look toward the distance as they start glowing in crimson and purple energy

Elliot: you two better be ready

Kendra: because we're coming for you

Blaze and Roxy were in the parking garage training with their new ranger forms as Blaze fired laser beams from his right hand that Roxy dodged and fired her blasters toward the navy ranger who avoided contact with them

Blaze: come on Rox, you're not even trying

Roxy: because this isn't a real battle Blaze, we're just training remember?

Blaze: I know Roxy but these kind of tactics aren't going to work on Elidra

Roxy: Elidra? Wow since when did they become your favourites

Blaze: they're not, well not yet anyway besides they aren't doing these things out of their own free will

Roxy placed both her blasters on the back of her belt and removed her helmet as she walked over to Blaze who put both his swords back into the sheaths on his back and removed his own ranger helmet as he and Roxy stood beside each other

Roxy: I just don't understand why they have to listen to that arrogant pest

Blaze: they don't listen to him because they want to, they listen to him because they have to

Roxy: I feel bad for them, it's horrible enough that they're lives have been a mess since the beginning and now Evox comes along and makes them even more worse than they already were

Blaze: when Elliot and I fought I could see the look in his eyes, he wasn't feeling like himself

Roxy: what do you mean?

Blaze: I'm not sure but there's something not quite right here because why else would he have a look of regret?

Roxy tapped Blaze on the back of his head and looked at him sternly

Blaze: what was that for?

Roxy: the reason why there was a look of regret in his eyes is because he is being forced to do these things, it's the same with Kendra, I just feel so powerless I wish we had known about them sooner

Blaze gave Roxy a side-hug and gently wrapped his arms around her comforting her as she leaned forward

Blaze: once they break free from Evox we will help them out and guide them on a road to redemption, after all everyone deserves a second chance at redeeming themselves

Roxy looked up at Blaze and knew what he meant as they looked toward the sunset

Roxy: even when you are forced into doing something against your will

Blaze and Roxy continue staring at the sunset and know that the battle with Elidra is getting closer and closer.

Beast Morphers: First EncounterWhere stories live. Discover now