I win ~

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"A dual?" Yelan asked still amused from their previous actions . The two of them nodded . She and everyone else gave them a look that said 'explain' . They sighed and explained the bet excluding the 'price' situation . They all stared at them impressed .
"Can we be the audience?" Xenong asked . Everyone else looked at them eagerly . Sakura and Syaoran looked at each other and smiled .
"Sure why not?"
"Then it's settled ! I will have Wei prepare the training hall for the dual and arrange seats for the audience ." Everyone agreed .
"But you didn't told us about the price though ." Rumi asked . This statement made Sakura and Syaoran blush .
"It's a secret ." Syaoran stated blushing  furiously . Sakura nodded . Everybody rose an eyebrow . But said nothing .
"Alright ! You two come here and have breakfast . You two cannot fight in empty stomach , right?" Ryan said . The two laughed and nodded . They sat down together side by side and start eating with the others .

Time skip: 6.25 PM
Training hall:
Syaoran POV:

Hah! I am going to beat her for sure ! I am taking fenshing lessons since I was 6! No matter how good she is she can't beat me ! 5 more minutes left . Everyone was already sitting in their seats . Sakura was in front of me holding two swords in both of her hands ...what?
"So what do you prefer single or twins?" She asked looking at her swords .
"Huh?" She smirked at my confusion .
"I meant do you want to fight on single sword or twin swords?"
"Y-you know how to use twin swords?"
"Yup!" She stated casually like it was no big deal . Damn! This girl is full of surprises .
"Judging  by your expression . You prefer single right?" I nodded still surprised . She giggled .
"Alright then! Let's start ." She said as she put one of her swords down respectfully and stand tall confidently in a fighting stance . Damn ! She's so cool ! But no time to spear because if I loose (which looks like a possibility now) I will have to do anything for her and who knows I might not even get the kiss I want from her. I stood in my own fighting stance with my trusted family sword(Jain) in my hand . Ready to strike at the perfect opportunity . I waited to see if she is going to move but she didn't . She stood there smiling at me as if provoking me to make a move . It pissed me off beyond beliefs . So I moved . I run closer ready to strike , but she dodge without effort . I turned and strike her from the right but she dodged again . I tried again from left this time but she repeated her actions . I slide my sword downwards in an attempt to loosen her balance but she did a backflip ,making me miss her completely .
"What's wrong sleeping beauty~ why aren't you coming at me full force ? I know you can do better than that so quit holding back and get serious!" Wow so she noticed that I was holding back ....impressive! Ok...time to get serious like she said . Now I began to attack her with double speed and agility but ....it didn't seem to effect her at all . No matter how I tried she always manages to dodge me . We have been at it for nearly an hour and to my horror I am getting exhausted . But she didn't seem to get tired even a slightest bit ! I am almost out of breath . Suddenly she jumped back and smirked .
"I think it's time to end it ...I don't want you to get too exhausted ." She said as she gave me a sweet smile and then came running at me full speed . I gasped . She started attacking me at an alarming speed . I tried to block her but she was too fast . Then before I even knew it my sword was knocked out of my hand and her sword was at a threatening distance from my neck . I heard gasps from behind me and turned around to find everyone excluding Ryan and Rumi were stunned . I couldn't blame them even I was stunned my self . But Ryan and Rumi sat there smirking like they knew it was coming. I then turned at Sakura to see her smirking . I couldn't help but admire her even more .
"Looks like I win~"

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