No. 1: Shadow Boy

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When your shadow's the only one who has your back, then you are truly and deeply fucked for life. Virgil Hayashi knew that firsthand.

Well, his parents supported him, but they were his parents. Besides, they possessed levels of pep and cheer that made Virgil wonder if he was adopted. And they didn't really understand Nox.

To be fair, he didn't either, but he didn't mind having someone to talk to.

Even if that someone was a bitch.

"Y'know, actually talking to the guy every now and then might be helpful," Nox said into Virgil's ear. "I'm, like, 99 percent sure he's into you. Just actually give him reason to be, and you'll be fine."

"No offense, dude, but we both know I'd screw it up," Virgil muttered, taking a sip of coffee. "I don't want a repeat of Jamie."

He was facing towards the sun, so he couldn't see Nox's face, but he figured he was rolling his eyes. "Dude, Jamie was waaaaaaaaaaay outta our league, and we both know it."

"And Hottie Barista isn't?"

"You know the guy's name, Verge!"

Virgil snorted. "All right, are you sure Oliver's out of our league?"

Nox kicked him in the ankle. "God, you're oblivious. The guy is wearing a Panic! At The Disco shirt as we speak. He's absolutely in our league."

He twisted around in his seat and zeroed in on the floppy-haired barista. He wasn't wearing an apron, so you could clearly see the logo splashed across his T-shirt.

"Holy shit," Virgil mumbled. "I think he just turned cuter."

On the floor, Nox's face stretched into a grin. "See? Now go ask him out! At least get his number!"

"Okay, okay, okay," he hissed, getting out of his seat. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to the counter.

"Hey, hey, Virgil!" Oliver said, brightening up. "You want a refill?"

Virgil's brain short-circuited when he noticed the little rhinestones on Oliver's glasses. "Uh..."

Nox kicked him again.

"Right. Sorry." He cleared his throat. "So, we've been chatting for a while, right?"

Oliver nodded. "Yeah?"

"And, well... so, what I kind of wanted to say was... I mean, I get if you don't want to, but I was wondering if I could get your---"


Virgil turned around to see a girl with a pixie cut, a big smile, and a P!ATD shirt almost identical to Oliver's running up to them.

"Oh my god, Jenna!" Oliver exclaimed. "I thought you weren't getting off work until an hour from now!"

"Boss let me off early, so I thought I'd come and see you," she told him, kissing him on the cheek. "How you doing, handsome?"

"Way better, now that you're here," he answered, kissing her on the head.

Jenna finally noticed Virgil standing there. "Sorry, who's this?"

"Oh, this is the guy I was telling you about earlier," Oliver said, smiling. "Verge, this is my girlfriend, Jenna. Jenna, this is Virgil."

"Nice to meet you!" she told him, holding out her hand to shake. "You know, I have a friend I think you might like. Her name's---"

"Sorry, I gotta go," Virgil cut in, walking away. "Got some homework."

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