No. 32: Karaoke Night

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"How exactly do you swing this?" Virgil asked as the group filed into the karaoke place. "I mean, we get the biggest room, with microphones for all of us, and we get to stay until midnight. Sounds like it'd cost a lot."

"Simple," Logan answered, waving to one of the staff members. "We only do this twice a year---once for the holiday season, and once to celebrate summer coming. Usually, it's for a special occasion."

"And what occasion is more special than Prince Nyx becoming canon?" Janus sighed, fanning himself. "Oooooooh, I'm still gushing over it."

"Don't forget, Shipper Snake, I've got the upper hand now," Roman said, pointing at him. "I'm dating one of your best friends."

Janus smirked. "You seem to be forgetting that I lost my virginity to your brother."

Roman threw his hands into the air. "Can you just let me have this? Please?"

"Seeing as Patton has yet to arrive, I figured I could rub it in your face a little."

"Yeah, unless you and Virgil do it, you're nowhere near the upper hand," Remus added.

Virgil gave Roman a look. "Please don't tell me you asked me out just so you could get a leg up on Janus."

"What? No!" Roman protested, taking Virgil's hand. "I asked you out because you're amazing and cute and cool!"


"Hi, gang!" Patton chirped, rushing in. "Sorry I'm a little late, I had to grab our chaperone."

Logan frowned. "Chaperone? We don't have chaperones on our karaoke ni---"

"Bonsoir, chiennes," Remy said, sauntering in after Patton.

"What the hell?" Janus demanded. "This is a sacred thing! We don't have adults on our karaoke nights!"

"No, you didn't, but after what happened the last time you boys did this, Em thought it might be a good idea for you to have someone supervising."

"We were doing Les Miserables, for crying out loud!" Roman exclaimed. "The cannons were a necessary addition!"

"They weren't even real cannons, anyway!" Remus said indignantly.

Remy yawned. "Yeah, yeah, I really don't care. I'm gonna be fiddling on my phone and sitting outside your space for most of the night, anyway---maybe order a martini or two. For you guys, in the words of the late great Tony Stark, may he rest in peace." He adopted a voice that was actually super similar to RDJ's. "'Don't do anything I would do, and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do. There's a grey area there, and that's where you operate.'"

"We're doing Mean Girls tonight, so no cannons," Virgil told him.

"Great. Have fun. Oh, and congrats on getting together with Red Sanchez, Hayashi."



"Right!" Janus grabbed one of the microphones and got up on the platform. "Roman, do we have all of the songs pulled up?"

"Yep!" Roman answered.

"Logan, are we recording?"

"Everything's all set up," Logan responded.

"Then it's time to assign roles. I, of course, will be Janis."

"I call Damien!" Remus cheered, waving his hand around. "I'd slay as him! I can even do the 'Stop' choreography!"

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