No. 23: Formality

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"How's the kid you brought in?" Virgil asked, slinging his backpack onto his shoulder. "From what I heard, she kinda had some trouble."

"Leloni's actually settling in fine," Janus said. "I introduced her to my sister, which might have been a mistake on my part. But they're getting along very well, so that's something."

"Do you ever get a break from finding Aberrations?"

He shrugged. "It depends, honestly. Two in two months is a pretty rare case, and I'm not always the one sent to find them. If the powers aren't that dangerous or earth-shattering, actual officials go."

Virgil smirked. "So I'm dangerous now?"

"You're about as dangerous as Patton is. You have the ability, but you lack the spine."


The two wandered out of the auditorium, passing the fountain in the center. It was gold with an elaborate-looking crown, and the inscription read:

Imagination Is Humankind's Great Achievement

"Are you planning on going back to the Library anytime soon?" Janus asked.

"Um, I wasn't intending to," Virgil said, scratching the back of his neck. "How come?"

"I wanted to do some research on the legacy families. More specifically, the Griffins and Macklemore lines."

Virgil raised an eyebrow. "Augustus's family?"

Janus nodded.

"I thought you hated him."

"I do."

"Then why his family?"

"It's just..." He exhaled. "I've seen Augustus fight on the field. The moves and methods he uses aren't the kind that we learn in Ability Usage or Combat Training. They're a level of viciousness and cutthroat that I've never seen before. I thought maybe his family must've taught them to him."

"Huh." Virgil considered this. "Maybe you could look at more of the legacy families? They all kinda seem to share the same values."

"With the exception of the two Stokes lines, they do all share the same anti-Aberration mindset," Janus agreed. "But Roman and Remus don't use Augustus's way of fighting. Same with Logan's cousins, and the other legacy kids here."

"Well, did you learn anything about the Griffins and Macklemore lines while you were in the Library the first time?"

"Yes, actually. I found a complete family tree." He bit his lip. "Did you know that Augustus had a brother?"

"Given that I barely talk to the guy, I'd say no," Virgil answered. "Younger or older?"

"Older. Nine-year age gap. His name is---or was---Julian Macklemore. The tree lists him as deceased."

Virgil stopped in his tracks. "How old was he?"

"Nineteen, apparently."

"Jesus," he murmured. "Maybe that's why Augustus is such a jerk."

"His father's dead, too. Nero Griffins. I looked it up and he apparently died of cancer."

"How'd his brother die?"

Janus shrugged. "I don't know, but all I know is that I don't want to spare pity for Augustus."

"The guy's brother and father are dead, Jan."

"That's no excuse for---" He stopped, then sighed. "Never mind. Let's get to Etiquette---Madam Maeve will frisk us if we're late."

"For what?"

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