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It has been a year since me and Logan left the forest and my cabin behind. I haven't gone one day without thinking about everything that had happened and Patton. I miss him so much. Sometimes I think I see him or hear him, only to find out my eyes and ears are playing tricks on me.

I get pulled out of my thoughts by someone tapping me on the right shoulder, I turn around to see my coworker. We are about to film a scene that involves us kissing.

My coworker, Willow is smiling at me shyly, "Hey Roman. You got lost in your thoughts again. That's been happening a lot lately. Are you doing okay?"

I nod, "Yes I am. Its just close to the anniversary of my mother's death. I wish I could stop thinking about it but, it's hard. No matter how many years past. I feel like I barley know her."

She nods with a small hint of sorrow on her face, but other than she looks unfazed, "Understandable. I hope everything will be okay. But we have to get this going."

I nod again, "Right. Will do. Just give me a couple of minutes."

She nods then leaves me alone to my thoughts. I really do need to move on. Patton hasn't spoken to me in a year. Clearly he has moved on and forgotten about me. I need to do the same. The director calls us over and we start filming the scene.

Finally I can go home. My feet are killing me and Willow kept messing up the scene so we had kissed like over twenty times. She finally got it right after the director threatened to have her stunt double kiss me instead. I know what she was doing though. She clearly has a crush on me. But she can't accept the fact that I am gay. It's a pain but I just need to get this movie finished and I can find some other set to be on.

I start driving to my house when I get a call. I stop at a red light and check it, seeing that Logan is calling me. We both have been at our, not best, lately. I know how much Virgil meant to him. He never talks about Virgil, doesn't mention him and barley talks about the house and our time there. It's like he wants to block that part of his life out or act like it never happened. I feel bad. And since we are still bonded to them, me bonded to Patton and Logan bonded to Virgil, we know they are alive. Sometimes it feels like they are with us too. Which is oddly comforting.

I answer the phone and put it on speaker before setting it on my lap as the light turns green, "Hey Lo."

I hear Logan's voice come through, "Salutations Roman. Are you still at the studio?"

"No. I left a bit ago. I'm driving home right now. Why?"

"I was just wondering. You should have not answered the phone though. Driving and being on the phone is dangerous and has caused numerous wreaks and deaths."

"Whatever, I'll be fine. Now I will let you go so you don't worry about me. See ya in a bit!"

"Thank you for being so considerate. I will see you when you arrive."

He hangs up and when I stop at a stop sign, I pick up my phone and hang up on my end. I set my phone in my bag and finish driving home. Logan and I share a apartment since we wanted to keep each other company after everything that happened.

I walk inside and smell some food, specifically pork chops and some vegetables, I think green beans. I walk into the kitchen and see that my nose hasn't failed me. Logan has made pork chops and green beans with some corn. He also had some drinks set out on the counter.

"Wow, you always outdo yourself," I state as I grab some plates, cups, and silverware for us.

He doesn't look at me, too busy focusing on the food, "I only want to make sure that we get a balanced meal."

"Which is your way of saying that you care about me and yourself so much that you go all out everyday with every meal that you make."

He nods and puts the food on our plates while I get us drinks. Me soda and him Gatorade. We start eating and I tell him about my day before he tells me about his which is boring but I listen nonetheless.

We both fall quiet after a while though and I end up breaking the silence, "It's been a year."

He nods but doesn't verbally reply. He keeps his gaze on his plate.

"Do you think they will contact us? Ever?"

"I have no way of knowing. Though I think not. I'm not even sure if Virgil and Patton talk anymore. Virgil did leave us all..."

"Yeah... I'm sorry for bringing them up. It's just, they came into our lives, even if it was by force, but, they were there for a couple of months but it felt like years. It's just not fair."

"Life is not fair, Roman. We have both learned that and experienced it first hand. We cannot control everything and we cannot get everything that we want. We learn to deal with it and adapt," Logan explains in a matter of factly tone.

I sigh heavily, "Yeah I know... I just... I miss them so much. Patton, Remy, Emile... Hell, even the emo nightmare."

"Me too," Logan mumbled.

We go silent and finish eating our meal in peace before showering and getting ready for bed. It has gotten rather late. I brush my teeth as Logan is changing into a tshirt and sweatpants.

I turn to him as I spit into the bathroom sink, "I know we both want to avoid talking about it but... What if they do contact us?"

Logan sighs and sits down on his bed, his room is angled enough that from the bathroom door I can see into it.

He runs a hand through his mildly tamed hair, "I'm not sure. If and when the time comes we will see what happens. Now go to bed."

I sigh but nod. I finish brushing my teeth before going to my room and going to bed. Troubling thoughts keeping me up longer than necessary before I manage to fall asleep.

It's here! Book 2! I'm so excited to share this book with you all! I hope that it will be as good as the first one and that you all enjoy it!

I have some stuff planned and this should be the book to end the series since as I said in the last book in a author's note this story was originally planned to be 20ish chapters. So yeah, a second book was not planned.

But once again thanks for reading! The schedule for the chapters being published is still being decided.

Have a good day/night!

- BallofAnxiousness

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