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Quick A/N

I'm so sorry it took so long to post this chapter. I had no idea where to take it for a while but I got something planned now. I hope you like it!

Also a new character is introduced! It was hard matching them up with a creature but I think I did okay.

Anyways onto the story! It's a long one!

"Great. Roman has already fallen apart and if Patton can't snap him out of it then I don't know what we are going to do," I state with a sigh.

Logan looks at me, "Roman will be fine he just needs a couple of minutes. Though, I'm sure Remus and Janus will be on guard now."

"Damn it," Remy throws a couch pillow at the wall. It hits the wall with a quiet thud then falls onto the floor.

"Calm down Remy, we can figure something out," Emile grabs Remy's hand gently.

"I know but... If we can't scout a place out without having a close call, we can't have a successful assassination," Remy sighs, sitting down on the couch.

I sigh, "Agreed. Look, I can scout the area out by myself. I've been there more than I can count at this point. I can mark out a map and we can plan from there."

Logan looks at me worried, "Alone? You want to go there alone?"

"I've gone alone for a year. I can handle it." I grab the cloak and put it on, pulling the hood onto my head to cover my face. "I will be back soon, but I'm not wasting any time. We did that last time and I don't want to lose again."

Logan hugs me, "Please be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you and I hate not being able to protect or help you."

"I will and I know. Be back soon," I kiss him then leave the house.

I arrive to the castle and scout it out. I drew the building already since I've attacked every section of this place, I know weak points, patrols, and other things. Though now that Remus and Janus might be on guard, it could change some stuff. I climb up a wall, reaching the roof and staying low. Since the sun is going down it will be harder to see me.

I crawl around looking for anything then I see something. A hatch with a padlock. I crawl over to it and try opening it, I sigh seeing that it is actually locked. The keyhole is the size of a chocolate bar, must be a king key. I write that down on the back of the map and edit the map.

I look around a little longer, but it starts to rain. I curse under my breath and start to slip, I grab vines on one side of the wall and quickly climb down, almost falling. I start running down the street, but I run into someone, hard. We both fall to the ground, I let out a grunt and he lets out an 'oof'.

"I am so sorry," he starts, talking fast, "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," he explained, quickly standing up and helping me up.

"It's fine. I ran into you," I said. "I should be apologizing...Sorry."

"Well, it's raining hard and I think it become a thunderstorm soon. I live close by, come on, you can stay at my place."

"No, thanks," I say quickly, I can't trust someone so easily. Especially not now.

"Are you sure," he asks, some concern in his tone.

I go to answer but there's some thunder and then lighting that was a little too close for comfort. I let out a soft sigh.

"No, I'm not...Are you sure you want a stranger at your house," I ask the man.

"I'm fine with it, come on, quick," he starts hurrying off and I run after him.

After running for a couple of minutes we make it to a house at the edge of town, he holds the door open for me and I rush inside. We are both are soaking wet and out of breath.

I take off my cloak with a sigh, "This will take forever to dry."

"Here, I'll start fire and you can set it next to it. It will dry faster," he states. He goes over to the small stove and I look around. A bed that could fit two people, a table with two chairs, a stove, two windows, a room in the corner, and a couple chests against the wall that have some locks on them, but they aren't locked.

I stand off to the side, not knowing what to do, "You have a wife or something?"

He smiles a little, "Or something."

I nod, not sure what to say, I glance around again, "Thanks for bringing me here."

"Of course. I couldn't leave someone in the rain. What type of person would that make me?"

I nod, that's understandable. He turns to face me and holds his hand out, I hand him my cloak, he takes it and lays it down next to the stove.

He gestures to the two chairs, "Here take a seat."

I do as told, "Thanks. Once the storm lets up, I'll leave. I don't want to be a burden and I have some people waiting for me."

He nods and sits down in the other chair, "I see. Well, hopefully the storm will pass by soon. I hope my husband didn't get stuck in it."

"Is he out there," I ask.

"Unfortunately, yes. Since King Remus raised taxes and wants so many gifts from us, he had to start doing more work. I have a job but it's just not enough..."

"I see...What does your husband do?"

"He is a merchant and he can make nice little antiques."

"That must be fun. I remember when I left the woods, it was weird. Humans are weird."

He chuckles, "That they are."

"You've met humans," I ask shocked. Many people don't go against the rules.

"Yeah, please don't report me."

"Don't worry. I'm working on making sure everyone is treated fairly and that sorry excuse for a king is taken down...Anyways we should introduce ourselves. I'm Virgil."

He nods in agreement then smiles, "Nice to meet you. I'm Thomas."

We shake hands and then talk about random things. We both want to take Remus down we actually have a lot in common. Though I get curious.

"What are you? Like what is your species," I ask.

"I'm a werewolf. But I'm not like the others. I'm not as violent and I'm not in any army or guarding position. I just am a stay at home husband. But I do sell fruits at the market."

"That's really cool. The other werewolves that I meet are so rude and loud, they always fight, smell bad, I'm glad your not like that. No offense."

"None taken. I know how much species can get and I know why our reputation is the way it is. What are you?"

"I'm a shapeshifter," I answer, hoping he won't put the pieces together. I don't want people knowing I used to work with Remus.

His face lights up, "Really? That's awesome! I've always wondered how shapeshifting works."

We continue to talk, as the storm outside continues to be dark, loud, and rainy.

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