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"Hiya kiddos, I'm back," I exclaim as I walk into my house. It's a small cabin that is in an untouched part of the woods.

Emile greets me with a big smile, "Welcome home Patton!"

"Thanks kiddo."

Remy walks over, "We were starting to worry. You are never gone longer than an hour."

I smile sheepishly, "Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts. It's been a year since we saw everyone and I just really miss them. And it doesn't even feel like a year."

Emile nods, "Yeah. This year went by fast. But we will still look for Virgil."

After the humans and Virgil left, I was alone for about two months. But I ran into Remy and Emile, so we decided to stay together. We are looking for Virgil and have been. I miss him more than anything. But we have searched everywhere and even visited the old woman who had saved him after his fight with Janus. He wasn't there.

Remy speaks up, "Well, no matter what we will find that emo."

I smile more, "Thanks so much kiddos."

Emile speaks up, "Also we got some information about the humans. Logan and Roman are both doing well. In fact they are holding a meet and greet after a preview of his movie. If you want to... You know... Then I wouldn't object to it."

I look at Emile, a smile forming on my face, "Are you saying what I think your saying?" I feel excitement and hope growing inside me.

Remy joins in, "If your thinking that we will go to see him then yeah."

I start jumping up and down as I squeal, "Yay! I'm so happy! I can't wait to see them. I miss them so much!" But then I get hit by a serious thought which makes me stop jumping and celebrating, "Wait... But what about King Remus and Janus? Won't they stop us?"

Remy answers, "They are too busy dealing with the rebellion and whoever keeps attacking parts of the castle. They will be more focused on catching that person than searching for us. So this is actually a better time than any to leave."

Emile speaks up, "And I also miss them. I know you knew them longer but they saved Remy. They are amazing and I'm glad to consider them as my friends."

We all talk more about it before we start eating dinner. Emile is an amazing cook and he has helped me improve my cooking overall. Once we finish eating Remy volunteers to clean the dishes. I leave them to clean as I take a shower.

I get in the shower turning on the cold and hot water. I start to clean myself as I go back to my thoughts.

"Virgil, I'm so sorry about what happened. But what are we gonna do now," I ask my shapeshifter friend who is holding his little brother's body.

"...Nothing. For now," His voice is hoarse from all the crying and screaming he has been doing.

"What do you mean?"

He stands up, holding his limp body, "I'm going to King Remus and Janus. I'm reporting this attack from the humans. I know that they will track the person who did it down."

"Okay... Do you think it was that woman with the two little boys?"

He gets tense, "No. She hasn't been around the area for a month or so."

I get pulled from thoughts, putting the pieces together. That was after Virgil killed Roman's mother. I still haven't forgotten that and I never will. But I'm always shocked when I remember it or think about it.

Virgil, my best friend, killed my boyfriend's mother and never told me. I push away negative thoughts and continue on with my shower. Another set of thoughts draw my attention.

"Humans killed my brother Patton. I hate them," Virgil says with hatred in his tone.

"Kiddo, you can't blame an entire species over the action of one or a group from it," I say to him softly.

"My brother is dead! They killed him because he wasn't a human!"

"Kiddo that's-"

"Shut up!" He yelled.

We went quiet and when I went to say something, Virgil ran off.

I sigh and get out of the shower, goosebumps covering my skin since I'm cold. I wrap a towel around myself and get dressed in my pajamas.

I know Virgil thinks I forgot that. He gave me a potion to erase my memory of that day. He didn't want me thinking he was a monster but I know he isn't. His brother was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Virgil, I will find you," I mutter under my breath before going to my bedroom that is next to Remy's and Emile's.

I lay down in bed and hear the others talking. I always hear them even when I try not to. It never works though. It also is a pain when they have date night, I hear everything.

"We will still have to be careful leaving the woods and coming back," Emile says.

"I know and we will be. But have you seen Patton? He lost his boyfriend and friends. Sure two months later we found him but that doesn't help when we can't track down Virgil and it took us four months to find out anything helpful about Roman. And now we finally find out that we can see him as a surprise and hope that something doesn't go wrong-"

Emile interrupts him, "Remy your starting to ramble. You need to calm down."

"Right. I'm sorry babes. I just really want this to go well for Patton."

"I know and so do I. Now let's think about something else and go to sleep."

They go quiet so I can only assume that they have gotten comfortable and are going to sleep. I should get some sleep as well. It's late and I always get up early so I can make them and myself breakfast.

I set my glasses on my bedside table and close my eyes, I can't wait to see you again Roman.

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