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Tw: Mentions of skin being burned off, dead bodies, main character death.

"We have to hide here for now," Thomas whispers as I'm gently set down on the floor.

"Is Patton okay," I ask softly.

"We don't know and we won't know until he wakes up," Logan whispers.

"Did Emile get out safe," Scarlett asks quietly.

"Nico wasn't with Virgil so I think so," Thomas answered in a hushed tone.

We all go quiet, thinking about everything and anything. But after a while an explosion grabs our attention.

"That's plan E," Logan states.

"Really," I ask, looking at my best friend. "How do you know?"

"Because I made it," he answers like its obvious.

"So who do we think...Did it," Scarlett asks sounding a tad bit upset but trying to hide it.

"I don't want to guess," I answer simply and stare at the ceiling.

Sure we can bring whoever died back but it's still upsetting to hear. They are our friends and we grew close. I get pulled from my thoughts when I hear Emile screaming.

Everyone gets tense, "Me, Thomas, and Logan will go check it out. Roman you need to stay here with Patton," Scarlett starts, already leaving the room.

I nod, "Be careful. I promise that we will be safe when you all return."

I watch the three leave the room and once the door is closed I sigh heavily as tears fill my eyes. I'm pathetic. I can't do anything. Remus tortured me and all I can do is cry. That's pathetic! I start to feel my tears run down my face. Now Patton is injuried and unconscious because I couldn't protect him. I'm a horrible boyfriend.

"Ro," Patton asks weakly, eyes barley open as he looks at me.

"Patton," I hug him gently not wanting to hurt him further.

"I'm okay...Where is everyone?"

"Virgil came and him and Remy are fighting Janus. But...One of them or both of them did plan E. We don't know what happened yet. Then while we all were hiding here we heard Emile scream so everyone went to go check on him since he had run away during your fight with Janus."

Patton looks down a bit, "Roman...I can't feel them..."

"What," I ask confused.

Patton tears up, "I can't feel...Roman I'm scared."

I kiss the top of his head and shush him softly, "It will be okay. It's just the pain making it hard. We should get your arm taken care of as well."

Patton doesn't say anything, tears running down his face as he is very upset. I wish I could help him but I'm too weak and pathetic.

I hear some crashes and yells. Everyone is in trouble. But I can't do anything. I look at Patton, "Let's get back to the dungeon. We can save whoever died."

Patton and I get up, glance outside, seeing the hall empty. I grab Patton's hand and we hurry back to the dungeon. There are rocks, bricks, debris, and other items everywhere from the explosion.

We walk downstairs and Remy is laying on the floor, Janus is a few feet away. I cover Patton's eyes.

Remy's skin is burned, his wing must've been vaporized, and his skin has melted off on majority of his body. Janus looks just as bad. Skin burned off and its almost impossible to tell that its him.

I walk over to Remy, "Patton, come on. We should take him someplace safe so you can bring him back."

Patton looks at me, he seems to be very bothered. He nods and walks over, "I can't pick him up. My arm..."

"Right...Okay I'll carry him," I say softly as I carefully pick up his body.

We walk back to the room we were hiding in and I set Remy down gently. "Okay...Are you ready to do this Patton," I ask softly.

Patton looks at me and then Remy, tears growing in his eyes. "Uh...I can try."

He closes his eyes and set his hands on Remy's chest, "I-I don't feel anything."

"Okay, um..Try it on me," I say softly.

Patton looks at me and hesitantly sets his hands on my chest as he closes his eyes. After about a minute he lowers his hands and starts sobbing.



"What about him," I ask worried.

"He took my powers."

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