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I'm so so so so so so so happy to have Roman back in my life! I missed him so very very very much. It doesn't even feel real having him by my side.

And stopping by the cabin with everyone was super nice too. I'm glad to have them all back... Well almost everyone... I still have no idea where Virgil is.

We get to the base and crawl inside since it's all completely underground. We get into a huge open area that has torches on the walls and tables. I wonder how they got all this down here.

I see a lot of people around, Scarlett speaks up, "We started this rebellion when the fight between the shapeshifters happened. We knew that the King would be focused on Virgil and his group. Which Emile and Remy has informed me were you all. They told me everything that happened. Also I'm sure you guys are confused about how long Emile has known me. One day he was out and I ran into him. He explained that he was looking for Remy and Patton after getting separated from them and I helped him. Any questions?"

Logan asks, "Yes. Do you know-" he gets interrupted by someone yelling, "CODE RED!"

Scarlett quickly says, "Turn off all lights and everyone shut up!"

All of the lights get turned off and we go quiet. Roman holds me close and I feel safe and secure. I hear guards above us, their voices are muffled and it's hard to understand what they are saying. They walk around us- well over us, for a while before they leave. We wait till people bring the lights back and start talking again.

Roman asks, "Do guards always come around here?"

Scarlett nods, "Yes, unfortunately. They tend to come here during the night mostly and sometimes during the day. It's a pain really but we do what we have to do to survive and keep them off our backs."

I nod and Remy asks her, "Why have you both kept this a secret? Emile I thought you trusted me."

Emile grabs Remy's hands, "I do but she asked that I say nothing about her or the rebellion. At least until she was ready to meet you guys. A lot of people here have trust issues and don't like new comers. But we have a reason to be here now."

Roman speaks up, "We have been fighting Remus and Janus way more than the people here."

"Actually, that's not completely true," Scarlett said. "Some people here have been fighting them longer than us and longer before this group was made. It's actually how we all found each other and made the group. We all want to fight for a better future. Which means we have to fight together." She smiles, letting out a small giggle, "That's cheesy."

I speak up, "That's good. Having a big group and all. But we need help with some stuff."

She looks at me, "And what is that?"

Logan asks, "We are looking for someone. His name is Virgil."

She nods and sits down at a table, gesturing for us to join her. I sit down across from her, Roman on my right side, Emile on my left. Logan and Remy are standing behind us.

Scarlett says, "I know someone named Virgil. He is a mess."

Logan asks, "What does he look like?"

"He has long, messy hair. Hasn't taken a bath or shower in what seems like years. But he is a fighter. He fights more than any of us."

Logan moves towards her, I can tell he is getting uneasy, "Where is he?"

Roman speaks up, "Hey, this might not be the same Virgil."

"I don't care! I need to know!"

"Calm down," Remy states. "Where is he?"

Scarlett shrugs, "He barley sticks around. The longest he has been here was a day. You all can stay here if you want to and wait for him. Just don't cause me or anyone else any trouble or we will kick you out."

I nod, "Don't worry! And thanks so much! We won't cause any problems for ya kiddo!"

She smiles a little, "Glad to hear. Now I should get back to work." She stands up and walks away.

Logan and Remy sit down across from us, all of us getting comfortable since we don't know when he will return. I'm actually really nervous.

Logan looks around, he seems nervous too. Roman puts an arm around me and I lean on him. I have no idea what to say to pass the time. I miss Virgil so flippin much.

Emile speaks up, "I hope this goes well. And if this is our Virgil, I just know that he will be happy to see us again."

Logan nods, "Yeah..." He seems to be lost in his thoughts.

It's been about an hour or two. Me and Emile are trying to keep up conversation but failing. I see Scarlett talking to someone who I haven't noticed before. He has long, tangled, hair and looks dirty. I study him and when I see his face, only the left since the right side is covered with hair, I freeze.

I move before I can process it. I jump up and run towards him. He notices me and we hug.

"Virgil," I yell happily.

"Hey Patton," he says softly.

I keep my arms around him as I look at him, "You look homeless."

He chuckles, "Thanks." It was sarcasm. Oh, how I misses his sarcasm.

"Painc at the everywhere," Roman asks.

Virgil looks at Roman, "Princey."

Emile tackles Virgil in a hug and Virgil returns it, Remy smiles happily. Then Logan walks over, "Virgil?"

Virgil freezes and looks at Logan, "Logan."

They hug each other, then kiss. It's so sweet! They pull away after a minute or so.

Virgil starts to cry, "How and why are you guys here? If Remus and Janus find out-"

"They won't," Remy answers.

Virgil wipes away his tears and I notice he only was crying out of one eye. Weird.

I speak up, "Let's go back to the cabin! We can catch up and you can get cleaned up."

He hesitantly nods, "Alright. Okay. Let's go."

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