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It has been a year. It is hard to believe. One year ago I had gained so much. Friends, new experiences, powers, and a boyfriend. Then all that, not including my powers, was taken away.

I cannot fall asleep right now. I can hear Roman snoring through the walls though since they are thin. He managed to fall asleep after two hours and forty-seven minutes. I counted in hopes of falling asleep. That strategy has failed me.

I sigh as I role over onto my side and look at my window. The moonlight is peeking in through the window blinds. I can see small parts of the moon and some stars, it reminds me of when Virgil and I would look at the stars and talk for hours and hours.

I push any and all thoughts of him away. I cannot allow myself to think about him any longer. Things did not go as we planned and we have to accept that. Virgil, Patton, Remy, and Emile are gone. Remus and Janus won. Roman and I lost along with the others and have to move on.

I sigh again and grab my glasses, putting them on. I grab my phone and decide to scroll through some media platforms to occupy my mind until I get tired enough that I fall asleep. Which eventually succeeded after a few hours.

"I don't understand," Virgil told me confused.

"It is not that hard to understand," I reply, keeping my gaze on the stars.

We both are in the backyard near the pond, laying on our backs, a blanket between us and the ground.

Virgil makes a noise as if he is thinking, "Nah, I don't get it. I mean King Remus and Janus are kind of famous. But movies and shows? That's all weird. Not to mention that humans do other weird things."

"Like what?"

"Uhh...Oh! They get married."

I look at the shapeshifter confused, "What is weird about that?"

He looks at me, "There was someone who loved another person so much that they got higher officials involved and married them so they could never leave each other." He was being serious when he answered.

I think about he said for a minute or so, "I can see how that can be weird. What do you all do?"

"We say that we are together and if you cheat and get caught, break up. If your both loyal you don't have to do all this extra stuff. Just both agree your married."

"I see."

We both go silent as we think about each other's life. Enjoying the starry sky together.

I wake up and sit up, running a hand over my sleepy face. I groan and look at the time on my alarm clock. 12:58. I only got almost three hours of sleep. I lay back down and it takes me a while before I fall back asleep.

"Be careful Virgil," I say to my boyfriend who is by the pond.

"I am," he replies, taking off his shoes and jacket. "I do this like all the time."

I don't reply as he shapeshifts into a fish and goes into the pond. I wait a bit before he comes back up in his normal human form.

He walks over to me smiling, "I found a few other fish. They thought you were gonna eat them."

I reply, "I would never eat those fish. The water here may be beautiful and clean but that is unsanitary and we have food inside the house."

Virgil chuckled, "Yeah. Well speaking of food, I'm hungry so let's go get something to eat."

I wake up again and groaned annoyed and tired. I look at the time, 7:45. I know that there is no use of me going back to sleep. I get up and stretch before I change into my normal attire.

I leave my room and hear Roman snoring as I go downstairs to the kitchen and start making pancakes since we both like them and they are easy to make.

After a couple minutes of me cooking, Roman comes downstairs. His hair a mess and he looks like he is a corspe. He sits down at the table after getting a cup of coffee.

I set his plate of pancakes in front of him. I then set my plate down and get a cup of coffee for myself. I sit down and we start to eat in silence, both of us too tired to talk.

When we finish eating I leave the house to meet up with some studio managers and interviewers who want to talk to Roman and such. That has been my everday thing. It is on the boring side, which I cannot believe that I feel that way about it. I used to like this job. But ever since what happened last year, I would rather be in the cabin with everyone. That was the last time I actually enjoyed anything.

I get pulled by my thoughts when I feel a pulse of energy, Virgil must be doing magic related stuff. I am not sure though. Sometimes I feel the pulse of magic but I never know what he is doing which worried me at first but it is normal now.

I wonder if he ever feels pulses from me, I don't use my magic much. It is only useful for deceased people though so I have no reason to use it.

I arrive at home since I have finished my work for today. Roman is still at the set filming for the movie. It is about a man having to leave his wife behind to fight in a war against magical creatures or are threatening the human race. Roman wasn't interested in being in the movie but when he read over the script and saw that the ending was everyone getting along and a happy ending, he wanted to be in it.

I start to make dinner and while I do I feel another pulse of energy but this one is stronger than the other ones that I have felt. I try to focus on cooking but another pulse of energy causes me to pass out.

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