Captain Rivaille!

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Mina's P.O.V.

"Shit! It's going straight for the barracks!" Sakura yelled.

Kris, Sakura, and I were following a Titan as Kyoya ran from it.

"Note to self! Don't take a damn rookie on a Titan mission!" I barked.

I pulled the trigger for my wires and shot them at the barracks. I jumped and flew straight to Levi's window. He swung it open right as I landed next to it.

"Mina?" He asked, looking at me.

"Get your ass inside, and don't get up until I say you can!" I barked.

He looked toward the Titan right as it smashed its hand through his window. My eyes widened in horror as it pulled him out of the barracks.

Levi had gotten dressed after we left. I could tell because he had his uniform on.

Sakura planted her feet on the side of the barracks close to me, and she screamed in horror as the Titan lifted Levi toward its mouth. He was unconscious, his arms dangling from his sides and his head swung back.

"Captain Rivaille!" Sakura and I screamed.

A sudden pain ripped through me, and I launched myself at the Titan without thinking.


Sakura's P.O.V.

Mina screamed at the top of her lungs, sounding similar to a dying animal, and she suddenly exploded. A variant Titan replaced her, its feet sliding as it landed.

I covered my ears when it yelled. It grabbed the other Titan's arm, pointed its elbow at it, and slammed it hard onto the Titan's arm. It broke off, and the variant broke the wrist. The hand opened, and Levi started falling. The variant Titan exploded just like Mina had, and its blood splattered over everything.

Mina appeared where the variant had been. She somehow maneuvered herself under Levi, grabbed onto him while they fell, and acted as a cushion when they slammed into the ground.

Kris swung around the Titan, which was screaming in agony as its arm regrew, and killed it in one swift movement. He landed on the ground near Mina and Levi. I lowered myself using my wire and let it snap back in place when my feet were on the ground.

Mina's head was bleeding, and her mouth was open like she was going to scream. Levi seemed to have injuries only from the Titan.


Mina's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes, and I was relieved to be human again. I had no intention of turning into a Titan, and I had no idea how I did it.

"Mina!" Sakura yelled.

I was holding onto Levi. I slowly sat up, moving him with me, and looked at Sakura when she ran up to me.

"Since when were you a damn Titan?" She barked.

"I had no idea I was one! I just got angry, and I turned into one without realizing how I did it!" I answered.

Levi groaned. I looked at him as he tried to get up.

"Don't move, Levi. You might have broken bones." I told him.

Falling too Fast and Way too Hard (Levi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now